MBA ProjectsMarketing

A Comparative Study on Buying Behavior Consumers for Indigenous Food, Cosmetic, and Cloth Products Vis-à-vis International Products

Executive Summary

The most challenging concept in the marketing is to deal with understanding the buyer behavior.Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the buying behavior of the final customers, and households who buy products for personal consumption. Where the decision to purchase by a consumer is of emotional significance. Consumers vary tremendously in age, income, education level and tastes and they buy an incredible variety of products.

Theoretical Foundation

Nothing can be taken for granted for a product. A strong or a weak marketer can succeed if they manage to create a difference. If they don’t, failure is the only outcome unless lack of product differentiation is made up through significant price differentiation. It is better to act proactively, thinking of the worst. Else, when things start going the other way, enough time and even money may not be available to differentiate. It is essential that a product has a reason for being purchased which is different from other available products.


Title -A Comparative Study on Buying Behavior Consumer for Indigenous Food, Cosmetic and Cloth Product Vis-à-vis International Products –

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