A Project Report On Digital Marketing As A Marketing Tool
At the beginning of the century, social life was mostly local. It was followed by a period in
which commodities were produced on a mass scale. Consumer Marketing operated on mass
marketing principles and the business primarily concerned itself with how to build the best sales
force. At the end of the century, there is an emerging global culture. The major driver of these
changes is technology. Technological change has moved steadily back focusing on the
These changes shape the possibility and conduct of business. Marketing is especially tied to the communication and transportation revolution. As the tools and reach of marketing increase, the job and responsibilities of marketers have evolved with them. Kotler formalized this evolution with his book “Marketing Management.” His key stages are production, sales and brand management. Each of these is strongly motivated by technological opportunities, which permit new methods and new opportunities. A fourth stage, a focus on the individual customer, is also important. As the new technology of the Internet develops, it reinforces the new marketing emphasis – which in many ways is a return to business at the turn of the century. In today’s technology-driven world, a new fast-paced digital economy is emerging.
The present study revolves around the following objectives:
To study the concept of Digital Marketing in India and its applicability to various emerging
facts of the Indian economy.
To analyze the digital marketing strategy in India.
To study the opportunities and challenges faced by the digital marketing sector in India.
Scope Of Study
Advertisers are expected to spend Rs. 22,500 million in internet advertising in the year 2009 third only to TV and Print ads, which is around 5257% more than that in the year 2004, the compound percentage increase of 124% over the last 5 years. This is the new age of advertising. It is true that people have started realizing that the Internet can serve as a one-stop point for all their needs. Be it communication, entertainment, shopping, or information search, the internet serves as a panacea for all their requirements. This has led 70% of every user to glue themselves to the Internet and access it on a regular basis. This is an opportunity for advertisers to exploit this revolution.
Title – A Project Report On Digital Marketing As A Marketing Tool
Author – Amanjot Kaur
College – Cordia Institute of Business Management,
Sanghol, Fatehgrah Sahib
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