A Project Report On Working Capital Madhucon
In financial management, two important decisions are very vital and crucial. They are decision regarding fixed assets/fixed capital and decision regarding working capital/current assets. Both are important and a firm always analyzes their effect to final impact upon profitability and risk. Fixed capital refers to the funds invested in such fixed or permanent assets as land, building, and machinery etc.
Whereas working capital refers to the funds locked up in materials, work in progress, finished goods, receivables, and cash etc. Thus, in very simple words, working capital may be defined as “capital invested in current assets.” Here current assets are those assets, which can be converted into cash within a short period of time and the cash received is again invested into these assets. Thus, it is constantly receiving or circulating. Hence, working capital is also known as circulating capital or floating capital.
Need For The Study
Madhucon sugar & power industries limited is one of the largest sugar manufacturing company in India, which is providing huge employment opportunities and catering the needs of the people across the country and promoting the schemes of the Government by producing different products. In this context it felt an urge to study the working capital management of Madhucon.
Objectives Of The Study
The objectives of the study include:
- To know the performance of madhucon in working capital management.
- To draw the findings and offer suggestions for streamlining the working capital management of madhucon.
Scope Of The Study
The present study covers the working capital management of Madhucon at all India level even though the permission has obtained at Rajeswarapuram Branch. Madhucon annual reports at Indian level will be considered for the study from 2011-11 to 2015-15.
Title – A Project Report On Working Capital Madhucon
Author – N/A
College – N/A
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