A Study On Advertising Effectiveness
Advertising is an art not a science. Effectiveness of which cannot be measured with a mathematical or empirical formula some advertisers argue that advertising efforts go to waste, but every advertiser is keenly interested in measuring or in evaluation of advertising effectiveness. Testing for the effectiveness of advertisement will lead advertisement testing must be done either before or after the advertisement has done in the media. It is of two types, protesting which are done before the advertisement has been launched and one is referred to as cost testing which is done before the advertisement has been launched and one is referred to as cost testing which is done after launching the advertising campaign.
What Is Advertising?
The word ‘Advertising’ has its origin from a Latin word ‘Adventure’ which means to turn to. The dictionary meaning of the word is ‘to announce publicity or to give public concerned to a specific thing which has been announced by the advertiser publicity in order to inform and influence them with Reread them or pass them on to other. Some magazines have prestige value.
Objectives Of The Study
- To know the effectiveness of advertising towards Pepsi Co cool drinks.
- To understand the most effective media for advertisement for PepsiCo Cool drinks
- To find out the reasons for liking the advertisement of PepsiCo cool drinks
Title -A Study On Advertising Effectiveness
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