A Study On Brand Awareness Of Yes Bank Ltd In Aurangabad City
Purpose of branding is to create a powerful and lasting emotional connection with customers and other audiences. A brand is a set of elements or “brand assets” that in combination create a unique, memorable, unmistakable, and valuable relationship between an organization and its customers. The brand is carried by a set of compelling visual, written and vocal tools to represent the business plan and intentions of an organization. Branding is the voice and image that represents your business plan to the outside world.
Industry Profile
The evolution of the banking industry over the period has created both challenges and opportunities for global commercial banking institutions. The challenges that confront banking and financial services industry today are alarming. Some of the major challenge that industry faces globally are Basel II Capital Accord Compliance, regulatory changes, corporate governance, implementing IAS 39 (Fair Value accounting), keeping pace with technology, maintaining a strategic focus, globalization and consolidation. Taking care of these challenges will help the banking industry to operate effectively and efficiently.
Title -A Study On Brand Awareness Of Yes Bank Ltd In Aurangabad City
Author – Mr.Sagar Bhadange
College -Pune University
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