A Study On Employee Job Satisfaction In Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd
Project On- A Study On Employee Job Satisfaction In Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd
Introduction: Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is the systematic control of network of interrelated process affecting and involving all members of an organization. Our greatest asset is people. Most of the managers know perfectly well that of all the resource, people are the least utilized and title of Human potential of any organization is tapped and put to work, the manager must treat the people with whom he works as resources to himself.
He has to look to them for guidance regarding his own job. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers.
Objective Of The Study:
- To identify the reasons for their job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in HCCBPL.
- To assess the expectations/satisfaction levels of the employees of the HCCBPL.
- To focus on knowing trust relationship among the employees.
- To know the welfare measures and living environment provided for the employees.
- To recommend measures for improving the satisfaction levels of employees, so as to
enable them to improve their performance.
Need For The Study:
Job satisfaction has a major influence on human performance through its impact on individual motivation and job satisfaction. Individual in the organization has certain expectations and fulfillment of these expectations depends upon their perception as to how the employee’s satisfaction, of their needs job satisfaction provides the type of work environment in which individual feels satisfied or dissatisfied.
The questionnaire assesses the employee’s attitude towards the organization. The result will enable work groups and management to identify strong and weak dimensions in order to plan and impelled action to improve the functioning of the weaker dimensions. The survey focuses on job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Title – A Study On Employee Job Satisfaction In Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd
Author – Shaik Farheen
College – Gates Institute Of Technology
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