A Study On Performance Appraisal System
- To study the need and importance of “Performance Appraisal”.
- To portray the profile of “Delta Paper Mills”.
- To study the performance appraisal implementation in delta paper mills.
- To make data analysis and interpretation based on the perception of the employee in the organization.
- To summarize and find certain suggestions for the impotent of Performance Appraisal system in the company.
Performance Appraisal System:
Performance appraisal refers to all the formal procedures used to evaluate an individual, his contributions and potential. In other words, it is to plan and measure the performance of an individual in terms of the requirement of the job or it is a process of finding out how effective the organization has been at hiring and placing an employee.
Performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task performance. While evaluation of team performance is critical when teams exist in an organization, the focus of performance appraisal in most firms remains on the individual employees. Regardless of the emphasis, an effective appraisal evaluates accomplishments and initiates plans for development, goals and objectives.
Objectives of the Company:
- To carry on the business of manufacturing and dealing in all kinds and classes of paper.
- To manufacturing and deal in all material and substances used in the manufacturing production of treatment of all kinds and classes of paper.
- To buy, sell, import, process chemically or otherwise treat and to workout for special purpose of all
kinds and classes of paper. - To plant, cultivate, produce, raise, manufacture, purchase, sell, export or otherwise handle or deal in
grass timbered, bamboo, straw to other forest products.
Title -A Study on Performance Appraisal System
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