Asset And Liability Management In Banks
Project On Asset And Liability Management In Banks
Executive Summary
Asset and Liability management is the co-ordination of the asset and liability portfolios in order to maximize bank profitability. Its objectives are planning to meet needs for liquidity, matching the maturities and rate structures of assets and liabilities to limit their exposure to interest rate risk and maximizing the bank’s spread between interest costs and interest earnings.
Asset Management Strategy
Some banks had the traditional deposit base and were also capable of achieving substantial growth rates in deposits by active deposit mobilization drive using their extensive branch network. For such banks the major concern was how to expand the assets securely and profitably. Credit was thus the major key decision area and the investment activity was based on maintaining a statutory liquidity ratio or as a function of liquidity management. The management strategy in such banks was thus more biased towards asset management.
Title -Asset And Liability Management In Banks
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