Customer Loyalty Towards Honda Activa
Executive Summary
The project was conducted on “A study on customer satisfaction towards Honda Activa ” at Honga Auto Point , PalkhaKursi Road Lucknow . It encompasses detailed analysis on the factors affecting the customer satisfaction in the two wheeler market. In Indian market automotive and automobile are booming industries, here customers are ever dynamic in nature they were not satisfied with the same product . They always wanted to upgrade their products to new and advanced ones so customer retention is a Hercules task to the company. So they gave more importance to the customer satisfaction. I had chosen Honda Activa scooter for my study, main objective of my study is to know the level of customer satisfaction towards the product . Major questions are formed on the basis of objectives of the study.
Introduction About The Project
My project report is on the topic “A study Of Consumer Loyalt Towords Honda Activa With Special Reference To Lucknow .” I successfully completed my project in Auto Point Honda. In the very first day I felt nervous because that was my first working experience , but my external guide Mr. Kunal Jaiswal who helped me to overcome from all the hesitation and fear, it helped me to learn some new skills. It was an unforgettable moment, I felt it was a healthy working environment, more over I learnt a lot from this project.
Analysis of data means reviewing the original material to discover the essential facts. The data are studied form as many viewpoints as possible to discover the research data has been collected and data analysis has been made the researcher can proceed of interpretation is essentially one, stating what the result show. The research data becomes meaningful only being analyzed and interpreted. Results and findings are also called as Analysis and Interpretation. This part of the report contains an allotment of tables, charts, graphs, and narrative of the results of the survey. The analysis identifies the various factors that play a key role in determining why the respondents go for a particular product on brand. The analysis has also been made with reference to factory affecting buying decisions the multinational factor to go for a particular brand. For some of the tables. Graphs are used to interpret the findings in a better manner. The object of survey was to know the customer satisfaction towards Honda Activa . Customer analysis consumption factor or purchasing pattern and other related aspects . The occupation , income of the respondents is also recorded in order to know the correlation between these features.
Title -Customer Loyalty Towards Honda Activa
Author –
College -–
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