Marketing And Financial Services Of J&K Bank
- This project was undertaken at Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd (ANANTNAG)
- The project was done for the Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.
- The project was done to find out what is the current SERVICES MARKETING
OF J&K BANK - The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd is one of the leading financial institutions
from banking sector. - The objective behind this project work was the marketing strategy for its
SERVICES by J&K Bank. - To help J&K bank how to improve quality of services and increase customer
Company profile
Company profile THE GENESIS OF ORGANISATION The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Incorporated on October 1st, 1938 commenced business on July 4th, 1939. From a small beginning the bank has grown to become a giant with a wide network of branches spread over the length and breadth of India. A significant contributing factor for this growth is the solid founding principles, which are dedicated to the cause of transforming the bank not only as a financial heart but also as a social heart of the community.
The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. is the first state owned bank of the country and 53% of the equity is held by the Govt. of J&K. The bank has a consistent track record of growth and profitability. It has a unique distinction of being banker to the J&K State Govt. and has also been appointed by RBI as its agency in J&K, responsible for carrying general banking business of the Central Government and collection of taxes pertaining to the Central board of Direct Taxes. The landmark achievements in the diversification of the Banks functions include the sponsoring of the two Regional Rural Banks viz., Kamraz Rural Bank; permission for dealing in the foreign exchange, holding the lead bank responsibilities in eight of the fourteen districts in J&K, Governorship of State Level Export Promotion Committee (SLEPC). The bank is the only one in nonnationalized sector, having been entrusted with such assignments and has come up to the expectations of RBI and other agencies, like CBDT.
Title -Marketing And Financial Services Of J&K Bank
Author -Aejaz Ahmad Ganai
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