Project Report On Spice Industry
Out of the 109 spices listed by the ISO, India produces as many as 75 in its various agro climatic regions. India accounts for about 45% (2, 50,000 tons-2002-03) of the global spice exports, though exports constitute only some 8% of the estimated annual production of spices at 3.2 million tons (2002). Over all, spices are grown in some 2.9 million hectares in the country.
Exports of Spices From India
India can now boast as the monopoly supplier of spice oils and oleoresins the world over. In the case of curry powders, spice powders, spice mixtures and spices in consumer packs, India is in a formidable position. The consistent effort of the Board during the last one decade has improved the share of the value added products in the export basket to 60%.
Export development and promotion
- Adoption of hi-tech & technology up-gradation
- Setting up/up gradation of QC Lab
- Sending business samples abroad
- Printing promotional literatures/brochures
- Market Development Assistance (MDA)
- Grant in aid for participation of exporters in international trade fairs/exhibitions
- Participation of exporters in International meetings/seminars and delegations
- Quality Marking
Title -Project Report On Spice Industry-
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