Study on Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in Outdoor Advertising Agency
Executive Summary
“A study on Effectiveness of Digital Marketing with special reference to Outdoor Advertising Agency, Bangalore” Digital marketing is an advanced advertisement promoting that makes utilization of electronic gadgets, for example, PCs, cell phones, mobile phones, tablets and diversion consoles to connect with partners. Advanced showcasing applies innovations or stages, for example, SEM, sites, email advertising and online networking promoting. Outdoor Advertising Agency has emerged as one of the best advertising media company in the Indian marketplace. The company offers services in all offline and online media platforms. The offerings include outdoor and indoor marketing furthermore, counselling on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google. In spite of the fact that the organization was begun just a single years back, it is route in front of the majority of contenders through its persevering quest for flawlessness and tremendous measure of innovativeness which they put in their work. The project is in the marketing department of OAA. The project is “A study on effectiveness of digital marketing with special reference to OAA”. This report will get a thought regarding digital marketing and its effectiveness with reference to OAA. Through this study we will see how online media companies emerging how they are growing economically reference to OAA. Principle discoveries of this internship are mentioned here. Indian clients gather more data about an item before getting it. Web infiltration in India is key player for this wonder. The vast majority of Indians are getting upgrade through advanced and ads, brands are getting more touch point to achieve their objective gathering in this computerized time. More insights concerning discoveries are given this report.
First of all, I had to hold a summer internship program for six weeks within the framework of the curriculum. My interest and curiosity is related to online or digital marketing, so I decided to work with a start-up company called “Outdoor Advertising Agency”. I chose a start-up company because I could research more about digital marketing from the start. Because this is a fast-growing industry, the growth of digital marketing is enormous and is expected to grow in the future. Thanks to this summer internship I have studied all aspects of digital marketing (website listing, content creation, social networks). Marketing practices have dramatically changed with the growth of social networks, digital platforms and applications.Your prospects and current customers are working to communicate with you, and you can hear them faster and more personally than before. This changing environment presents marketers with new opportunities and challenges. Digital marketing makes it easy to fall behind. Digital marketing helps you identify the areas to improve and provide the tools you need to evaluate your organization’s social media strategy and digital marketing. This is useful for small business employees who want to use new media for growth. Organizations can successfully implement inbound marketing strategies by posting content to the Internet in the form of external marketing including portals, podcasts, e-journals, online campaigns, social media marketing, search services and e-mail marketing, and RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
Objectives of the study:
- To study about the effectiveness of digital marketing at Outdoor Advertising Agency.
- To find the effect of the digital advertisement among customer purchasing decision process.
- To study and monitor brand advertisement on digital networks.
Title -A Study on Effectiveness of Digital Marketing With Special Reference to Outdoor Advertising Agency, Bangalore
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