Study On Home Loan Scheme Of UCO Bank With Respect To Other Banks
Executive Summary
The aim of this report is to understand one of the methods of credit appraisal i.e. Home Loan. To analyze customers perception, preference and satisfaction level about the home loan being offered by UCO bank and comparing it with banks such as HDFC, ICICI, SYNDICATE and LIC HOUSING FINANACE.
Introduction And Objective Of Study
A Credit appraisal is an important part of determining the eligibility for a home loan, and the quantum of the loan. A prospective borrower has to go through the various stages of the credit appraisal process of the bank. Each bank has its own criteria to satisfy itself on the credit worthiness of the borrower.
Unique Features Of House Loan
- Purpose: For purchase of house from builder/resale and construction/ extension of existing house.
- Loan Amount: You can avail for Home loans ranging from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.1oo lakh depending on your eligibility, income, and repayment capacity.
- Security: Home loan is a secured loan wherein collateral are required.
- Loan Tenor: The maximum loan tenure is 25 years.
Title -Comparative Study Of The Home Loan Scheme Of Uco Bank With Respect To Other Banks
Author -Siddharth Tripathi
College -Jaipuria Institute Of Management
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