MBA ProjectsFinance
Working Capital Financing At J&K Bank
Objectives of the study
- Basic meaning of export financing, working capital and project appraisal.
- To understand the credit appraisal system for working capital financing.
- To know the basic structure of banking organization.
- To learn analysis of different aspects of the project with terms and conditions of loan and advances.
- How to make a final recommendation to sanction or reject the loan proposal.
- To understand the rationale behind various guidelines observed by J&K Bank.
Scope of the study
With the opening up of the economy, rapid changes are taking place in the technology and financial sector, exposing banks to greater risks. Thus, in the present scenario efficient project appraisal has assumed a great importance as it can check and prevent induction of weak accounts to our loan portfolio. All possible steps need to be taken to strengthen pre sanction appraisal as “prevention is better than cure”.
Title -Working Capital Financing At J&K Bank
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