A Study On E-recruitment Process At Fast Track Hr Services Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Executive Summary
E!recruitment or online recruitment is the, process, 0f recruiting candidates using !electronic resources, especially, the, Internet. The first mention 0f e-recruitment occurred in, the mid-1980s. E-recruitment can be, divided, into, two categories: recruitment company websites and business recruitment committees/portals (such as monster.com). A commercial website is a company’s own website that provides links to recruitment information and career options. Users can log in to current job, openings. !If the company, advertises vacancies on, other websites that focus on recruitment, such, as naukri.com, monster.com etc. these companies will use commercial recruitment boards.
Recruitment, has become, an important, process in, the highly, competitive, labour !market. The traditional recruitment method has undergone a revolutionary change due to the appearance 0f Internet. E-recruitment is, latest trend, in recruitment, process and! has been, adopted by many, large companies and small, companies. !Many companies, use recruitment, to, post work online and accept resumes, and communicate with, applicants via email. The, main, success factors 0f, e-!recruitment are, value-added services, provided, by the workplace, cost-!effectiveness, !speed, provision 0f customized, solutions, help establish, relationships, with human resources !managers, !and promote corporate branding. Though employers, and job, seekers, in, e-!recruitment have many benefits, it stint, has its, own, imitations, and disadvantages. Case studies help analyze, pros and !cons 0f e- !recruitment and its growing scope in the company’s recruitment process.
Objectives of Study
- traditional, recruitment processes and e-recruitment, and !discuss, the, advantages, and disadvantages, 0f e-recruitment
- Analyze the, potential, 0f e-recruitment, and the challenges, it faces.
- Provides security and privacy for stored, information.
- Reduce, the cost, 0f manual, documentation.
- Maintain, a balance, between, human resources needs and supply.
- Speed up employee-related decision-making.
Title -A Study on E-recruitment Process at Fast Track Hr Services Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Author – Kruteeka M.S
College -Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore
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