Report On Personal Loan Compress
General Introduction
The banking sector is the most dominant sector of the financial system in India. Significant progress has been made with respect to the banking sector in the past liberalization period. The financial health of the commercial banks has improved manifolds with respect to capital adequacy, profitability, asset quality and risk management. Further, deregulation has opened new opportunities for banks to increase revenue by diversifying into investment banking, insurance, credit cards, depository services, mortgage, securitization, etc. Liberalization has created a more competitive environment in the banking sector.
Developments After 1991
The 1991 report of the Narasimham Committee served as the basis for the initial banking sector reforms. In the following years, reforms covered the areas of interest rate deregulation, directed credit rules, statutory pre-emptions and entry deregulation for both domestic and foreign banks. The objective of banking sector reforms was in line with the overall goals of the 1991 economic reforms of opening the economy, giving a greater role to markets in setting prices and allocating resources, and increasing the role of the private sector.
Title -Report On Personal Loan Compress
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