A Project Report On Adoption Of Technology And ICTS In Indian Agriculturetrends, Issues, Opportunity
The historical backdrop of Agriculture in India goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization and even before that in certain spots of Southern India. India positions second worldwide in farm yields. In 2018, farming utilized half of the Indian work power and contributed 17–18% to the nation’s GDP. India’s economic contribution to its Gross Domestic Product is steadily declining along with its economic growth, still, the agricultural sector is considered to be the broadest economic sector demographically and plays an important role in the overall financial position of India. The agriculture sector is also called the backbone of the Indian economy as most of the population is entirely dependent on agribusiness, feeding and supporting billions of households. The rural division in India is now passing through a troublesome stage. India is moving towards an agrarian crisis due to a lack of consideration, insufficient land reforms, imperfect land management, non-providing of reasonable costs to agriculturists for their crops, insufficient investment in India’s irrigational and agrarian foundation, etc. India’s food production and efficiency are declining whereas its food utilization is expanding. The position has become worse due to the utilization of food grains to meet the demand for biofuels. Indeed the arrangement of the import of food grains would be troublesome, as India does not have ports and calculated frameworks for large-scale imports.
Advances in technology inside agribusiness have made a gigantic commitment to the lives of each person today, monetarily and socially. It is not the only industry it is the establishment of our human advancement. Indian agriculture has moved a long way past the creation of fundamental food grains. The past systems have been effective, as India changed from import reliance to self-sufficiency. On the off chance that we see farming development and instability have remained the subject of serious talk in the rural financial matters of India. The increment in instability in Agricultural generation is considered unfavorable for a few reasons because it raises the risk involved in cultivating production and influences farmers’ income and decisions to embrace high-paying technologies and make investments in cultivating. At the same time, the key inquiry that emerges is, whether our current methodologies satisfactorily organize the key components that can carry success to our farmers by giving low-cost solutions and accomplishing desired future growth. So there’s a need to give effective and advanced technology with low cost incurred and coming about in higher level of production to move from conventional practices.
Time For India To Relook The Agricultural Sector
India must shift from subsistence farming to strong agricultural systems that not only provide food security to all its citizens, but also ensure income protection for its farmers, more diverse and better food for its citizens, and competitive agriculture productivity levels globally. Productivity in agriculture can be seen from two lenses: per hectare and per farm worker basis. Over the past few decades, India has increased its productivity per hectare, but the emerging market on this metric has lagged far behind peers and most developed countries.
The disproportionately large workforce in agriculture is related to India’s land size. From an average of 2.7 hectares in 1970, the fields of India have gradually become more fragmented, and according to the latest agrarian census 2015-16, India’s average farm size is now 1 hectare. To say this, compare Canada (~ 300 hectares), Argentina (~ 500 hectares), and Ukraine (~ 1,000 hectares). Small landholding mechanization, adoption of technology, and economies of scale do not accumulate at such feudal levels.
Increasing population and per capita incomes are increasing the demand for food and processed goods. Food grain demand is projected to increase from 192 million tonnes in 2000 to 345 million tonnes. In 2030. Therefore, the production of food grains needs to increase to 5.5 million tonnes over the next 20 years.
Title – A Project Report On Adoption Of Technology And Icts In Indian Agriculturetrends, Issues, Opportunity
Author – Shruti Rana
College – School Of Business Management Shoolini University Of Life Sciences And Business Management Sciences Bajhol, Solan
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