Summer Training Report On Mechanical Research Of Swaraj Tractor
Project On Summer Training Report On Mechanical Research
India being a predominantly agricultural country, where agriculture is the life and blood of the economy, has been a traditional manufacturer of different types of farm machinery and implements. However, the use of advanced agricultural techniques in India started only in early sixties. Modernization of tractor in Indian agriculture is only post independence phenomenon. One of the achievements of green revolution has been that the farmers increasingly realized the advantage of tractor for obtaining the timeliness of operations. This would only happen only because off awareness of new farm technology among the farmers, rise in the level of their income and education.
Industry basics
The Indian tractor market is dominated by low price, rugged, versatile and low to medium powered tractors; the main reason being the inability of the farmers to invest in farm mechanization. Tractors are categorized on the basis of horse power (HP) of the engine. In India the popular range of tractors is 20-40 HP as compared to 60HP in Europe and 90 HP in the USA. Though large tractors were economically unviable in India, there has been an increasing demand for powered tractors due to soil conditions, particularly in states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. But more recently, higher powered tractors are also being sold in states like Punjab where it is considered as a status symbol.
Title -Summer Training Report On Mechanical Research
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