A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Lifestyle
Executive Summary
Nowadays, customers have a wide choice of shops and stores where to buy different products and services they may need. Products could be the basic daily fast moving consumer goods like bread, mild, rice, edible oils, fruits and vegetables as well as clothes, footwear, kitchenware, cosmetics, consumer durables like fridges, television, mobile phones, cars and so forth. The current era has well informed customers as far as product knowledge is concerned.
Introduction of Retailing:
Retailing refers to a conclusive set of activities or steps used to sell a product or a service to consumers for their personal or family use. It is responsible for matching individual demands of the consumer with supplies of all the manufacturers (Bajaj et al, 2005:p.2). a retailer is a person, agent, agency, company, or organization which facilitates in reaching the goods, merchandise, or services to the ultimate consumer rather than for resellers. Viewed in the context of the channel of distribution, retailers are the important final link in the process that brings goods and services from producers to consumers.
Title -A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Lifestyle-
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