Comparative Study On Consumer Buying Behaviour Of Lays Potato Chips
Frito Lay’s
The project purports to decipher the satisfaction level as well as the preferences of consumers pertaining to the various flavors of Lay’s a new range of savory snacks launched by C. We aim to analyse the success, marketability and future growth prospects of LAY’S. Basically we intend to find out the most popular flavor of LAY’S in the market from our sample. Snacks as such are a very minor part of the food processing industry because snacks sample. Snacks as such are sector is largely unorganized. Here we will also look into the market For this a survey was conducted in Delhi, Ghaziabad where respondents were asked to fill a questionnaire.
Objectives of the Study
- To study the snacks industry as a part of food processing industry.
- To study the company profile of FRITO_LAY’S Ltd the makers of LAY’S
- To study the trends in snacks industry.
- To analyse and interpret the results of sample collected.
- To determine the future course of action by Frito lay’s
- To find conclusions to our project.
Title -Comparative Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour of Lays Potato Chips-
College -M.V.M’s Degree College of Commerce & Science
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