Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Quality Of Work Life
Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Quality Of Work Life
The organization is the most significant and integral part of the administration. Hence, the organization is a form of group activities where people associate consciously and interact with one another for the attainment of mutually agreed purposes. To a large extent, organizational success and failure depend upon the good organizational structure and efficient manpower working with it.
The QWL or Quality of Work Life in an organization is essential to the smooth running and the success of its employees. The Work-Life balance must be maintained effectively to ensure that all employees are running at their peak potential and free from stress and strain. An organization’s HR department assumes responsibility for the effective running of the Quality of Work Life for its employees. Quality of Work Life helps employees to feel secure and like they’re being thought of and cared for by the organization in which they work.
People are becoming more quality conscious as of their work, the products and the quality of their work life. The efficiency of each activity depends on the quality of work life of the people. Quality of work life is not based on a particular theory nor does advocate a particular theory technique for application. Instead quality of work life is a concern with the overall climate of work. Quality of work life will be varying from place to place, industry to industry and culture to culture.
Title – Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Quality Of Work Life
Author – Shweta Khatana
College – Punjab Technical University
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