Project On Risk & Return Analysis of Equity Midcap Mutual Funds at Karvy Stock Broking Ltd Davangere
Executive Summary
An Equity midcap Mutual fund is a scheme in which investor invest their money for a common financial goal. The collected money invests in the capital market, debt and the money market, the profit earned by these investments are shared by the investors in the apportionment of their number of shares.
Project work is a part of academic activity of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. It is an initial to bridge the gap between the knowledge and its application through a series of invention to the student of MBA program that enable to achieve knowledge and explore to the industry.
Need For The Study
- This study helps to understand different schemes of mutual funds.
- This study helps to analyse the risk and return accompanying with the mutual fund schemes and to select the best company or the scheme for the purpose of investment.
- Positive movement in mutual fund market so this study is undertaken evaluate the performance of mutual funds.
Title -Risk and Return Analysis of Equity Midcap Mutual Funds at Karvy Stock Broking Limited Davangere
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