Knowledge Management Bank
Knowledge Management Bank
The purpose of this study was to understand the banking management practices of the creation, sharing, and acquisition of knowledge in their operations. Knowledge sharing individually or collectively, by the banking management adds value when new KM is practiced in a knowledge-intensive organization. Knowledge has been lately recognized as one of the most important assets of organizations. Managing knowledge has grown to be imperative for a company’s success. This paper presents an overview of Knowledge Management and various aspects of secure knowledge management. A case study of knowledge management activities at Tata Steel is also discussed.
A bank is a financial institution which accepts deposits, pays interest on pre-defined rates, clears checks, makes loans, and often acts as an intermediary in financial transactions. It also provides other financial services to its customers.
Bank management governs various concerns associated with the bank in order to maximize profits. The concerns broadly include liquidity management, asset management, liability management, and capital management. We will discuss these areas in later chapters.
Origin of Banks
The origin of bank or banking activities can be traced to the Roman Empire during the Babylonian period. It was being practiced on a very small scale as compared to modern day banking and framework was not systematic.
Modern banks deal with banking activities on a larger scale and abide by the rules made by the government. The government plays a crucial role in its control over the banking system. This calls for bank management, which further ensures quality service to customers and a win-win situation between the customer, the banks and the government.
Title – Knowledge Management Bank
Author – Parte Sejal Sunil
College – Sandesh College Of Arts Commerce And Science
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