Engineering ProjectsAndroid ProjectsIT Projects
Stay Safe Security App with Scream and SOS Features
In an age where personal safety is a growing concern in public spaces like train stations, footpaths, and bus stands, GuardianScream emerges as a reliable safe security app for everyone—women, men, and senior citizens.

Technical Framework
Powered by Google’s Dart programming language and SQLite for back-end data management, the app is built on the cross-platform Flutter framework. Android Studio serves as the official IDE for crafting this efficient and user-friendly app.
Key Features
- Scream Alarms: Choose between male or female screams or police sirens as your alert sound. In times of danger, the alarm screams will go off, attracting attention and possibly deterring attackers.
- Fake Call Function: Generate a fake call that lasts a minute to divert attention. The call will display the caller’s name and number.
- Location Sharing: Easily share your live location via a web link with family members and friends who can then track you on Google Maps.
- Quick Access List: A list of contacts is displayed in the app for immediate access during emergencies.
- SOS Shake Feature: In dire situations, shake your mobile phone five times to send an email or SMS to your emergency contacts, complete with a location link.
- Easy to maintain and extremely user-friendly
- An effective tool for self-defense, particularly for lone travelers
- SOS and location-sharing features enable quick communication with family and friends
- Scream alarms are a great way to deter attackers and attract attention
Sample Code
sdk: flutter
geolocator: ^8.0.0
sensors: ^0.8.0
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';
import 'package:sensors/sensors.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: HomePage(),
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
String _location = 'Unknown';
List<double> _userAccelerometerValues = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
int shakeCount = 0;
void initState() {
userAccelerometerEvents.listen((UserAccelerometerEvent event) {
setState(() {
_userAccelerometerValues = <double>[event.x, event.y, event.z];
if (event.x > 1.5 || event.y > 1.5 || event.z > 1.5) {
if (shakeCount > 4) {
// Implement your SOS function here
print("SOS Triggered");
shakeCount = 0;
Future<void> _getCurrentLocation() async {
final position = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition(
desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high);
setState(() {
_location = '${position.latitude}, ${position.longitude}';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Safe Security App'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: _getCurrentLocation,
child: Text('Share Location'),
Text('Your current location is: $_location'),
Text('Accelerometer: $_userAccelerometerValues'),
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