A Study On Employee Satisfaction In Avatar Gold And Diamonds, Edappal
A Study On Employee Satisfaction In Avatar Gold And Diamonds, Edappal
A Study on “Job Satisfaction of Employees” was carried out in AVATAR GOLD AND DIAMONDS, EDAPPAL. The main objective of the research was to find the satisfaction level of employees in the organization.
Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business. The important factors that are to be considered in the job satisfaction of employees are salary, promotion, working condition, and so on…
The study was done as part of Descriptive Research. Convenience sampling technique was employed for selecting the sample. The primary data was collected by means of a questionnaire. The secondary data was collected from the company records and websites. A structured questionnaire was given to fifty employees and the data was collected based on the same. The data was analyzed using the percentage method and Likert scale method. Utmost care has been taken from the beginning of the preparation of the questionnaire until the analysis, findings, and suggestions. The analysis leads over to the conclusion that the majority of the employees are satisfied. Dissatisfaction with reference to some of the factors was also reported. It was found that dissatisfaction among employees will affect the work performance and productivity of the organization. Valuable suggestions and recommendations are also given to the company for better prospects.
Gold is a precious metal, perhaps no other market in the world has the universal appeal of the gold. For centuries, gold has been coveted for its unique blend of purity, beauty and near indestructibility. Nations have embraced gold as a store of wealth and a medium of international exchange; individuals have sought to possess gold as insurance against the day to day uncertainties of paper money. Jewelry has been made to adorn nearly every body part, from Hairpins to Toe Rings and many more types of Jewellery. While High-Quality Jewellery is made with gemstones and precious metals
I did the main project as a part of our completion of Master of Business Administration in AVATAR GOLD AND DIAMONDS, EDAPAL on the satisfaction of employees. I choose employee satisfaction as our topic because the welfare of employees in an organization contributes greatly to any organization. HRM is the management of the human resource in an organization. HRM is a relatively modern concept which involved a range of human ideas and practice in management people. It is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as competition, hiring, performance, management, organization development, safety. Wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.
In an organization satisfaction of workers means a workforce that is motivated and committed to high-quality performance. There, are various components limit arc considered to be vital to employee’s satisfaction. There are pay promotion, benefits, supervise to co-workers, work condition, communication, safety, productivity and the work itself. Each of these factors figures into an individual’s satisfaction differently. One might think pay is considered to be the most important in employee satisfaction, although this has not been found to be true. Employees are more concerned with working in an environment they enjoy. To the employees, satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional state that often leads to a positive work attitude of satisfied worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative and loyal.
Title – A Study On Employee Satisfaction In Avatar Gold And Diamonds, Edappal
Author – Ajeesh Moosakutty
College – Mes College Of Engineering, Kuttipuram
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