A Study On Impact Of Teamwork On The Output Of Idea Cellular Limited
A Study On Impact Of Teamwork On The Output Of Idea Cellular Limited
The study was set to examine the relationship between employee teamwork and organizations performance especially Idea Cellular Ltd The study was guided by the objectives of: to find out benefits of employee teamwork at Idea Cellular Ltd, to access the relationship between employee teamwork and performance of Idea Cellular Ltd and to investigate the challenges faced by Idea Cellular Ltd It used data collected by the use of questionnaire and interviews and during data collection purposive sampling was used. Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies were also used as a descriptive research design was employed as a sample size of 100 respondents was used.
The study concluded that teamwork is critical in the functioning of an organization and reasons for an employee working as a team at Idea Cellular Ltd are; to reduce on the costs, to encourage efficiency and effectiveness, to promote productivity, to act as advertising, for easy communication and to reduce an employee’s mistakes. It was also concluded that there is a strong relationship between teamwork and performance of Idea Cellular Ltd and that the kind of relationship is a positive one that translates to increased performance. In addition, the study concluded that labor turnover, competition, high transport cost, weather conditions, load shedding, the high cost of rent, high government taxes, Ltd network coverage, and inflation are the major challenges facing Idea Cellular Ltd Residency branch.
The study recommended that there is need to organize workshops and training to inform staff on teamwork, need to motivate further the employees of IDEA, need for the company to find a bigger space of operation and that IDEA should step up their network come rainy come shining weather conditions. Lastly, the relationship between employee motivation and performance of Idea Cellular Ltd and the effect of workshops and training on the performance of employees in organizations are suggested areas for further studies.
Title – A Study On Impact Of Teamwork On The Output Of Idea Cellular Limited
Author – Ngoie Kabeya Doudou
College – S.S.R College Of Science And Management Studies
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