Study Of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Smart Phone
Study Of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards SmartPhone project has been a great learning experience for me. At the same time, it gave me enough scope to implement my analytical ability.
The first part of the project gives an overview of smartphone brands.
Here we talk about the various types of factors affecting smart phones purchase and also give an overview of consumer buying behavior. All the topics have been covered in a very systematic way. The language has been kept simple so that even a layman could understand.
The second part consists of research and their analysis, collected through a survey done on 75 people. The study was carried out in Kanpur at various outlets and major markets of the city. The data collected have been well organized and presented. Hope the research findings and conclusions will be of use.
The third part consists of the conclusion and recommendation which is drawn apart from the result of a survey done on 75 people. The basic thing that I analyzed from the data collected is that there is great variation in the perception of consumers towards smartphones.
Title – Study Of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards SmartPhone
College – Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management & Research
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