Marketing Strategies Of Himalaya Products In Lucknow City
The word ‘Ayurveda’ comes from the word ‘aye meaning life’ and the word ‘Veda’ meaning to know’. Ayurveda means ‘the science of life’. and is a medical system practiced in India. Sri Lanka and Nepal. Ayurveda’s mythological origins. though. are attributed to the Indo-European Nasatya or Aswins. twin physicians of the gods of the ancient Indo-European pantheon. Four thousand-year-old references to the Nasatya are found in the now extinct. Hurrian and Hittite languages in Turkey. and in the Sanskrit language in India. Ayurveda is considered the unpaved or accessory Veda to the Atharva Veda. The four Vedas are the world’s oldest literary documents in an Indo-European language.
A classic Ayurvedic text. that parallels the time frame of the Atharva Veda. is the Charaka Samhita. Written in the Indus Valley area around I OtE B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) in Sanskrit. it is a treatise on general medicine. This strongly suggests the probability that ayurveda. though of pan Indo-European origins earlier. had begun to evolve into a distinct entity within the subcontinent by the first millennium B.C.E.
Ayurveda’s lasting influence in the non-Indo-European sphere began after the rise and spread of Buddhism in the 20th century B.C.E. Buddhist monks 5 introduced Ayurveda to China. Tibet. Korea Mongolia and Sri Lanka. leaving a lasting legacy in their medical systems. More recently. the German translation of an ayurvedic text that dates back to less than 10(X) B.C.E.. the Susruta Samhita. contributed to modern medicine the discipline of plastic surgery. Susruta mentions eight branches in ayurveda – General medicine. Surgery. ENT and Eye diseases. Toxicology. Psychiatry. Pediatrics. Gynecology. Sexology and Virility.
History Of Himalaya:
Eighty years ago. on a visit to Burma. Himalaya’s founder, Mr. M. Maw!, saw restless elephants being fed with a root to pacify them. The plant from which this was taken is Rau wolf ia serpentina. Fascinated by the plant’s effect on elephants. he had it scientifically evaluated. After extensive research, Semina, the world’s first anti-hypertensive drug. was launched in 1934. This legacy of researching nature forms the foundation of Himalaya’s operations. Himalaya uses the tools of modern science to create pharmaceutical-grade ayurvedic products. We have pioneered research that has converted Ayurveda’s herbal tradition into a complete range of proprietary formulations dedicated to healthy living and longevity. Today. these products have found acceptance with medical fraternities and serve the health and personal care needs of consumers in 67 countries.
Company Profile:
The Himalaya Drug Company was founded in 1930 by Mr. M. Manal with a dear vision to bring Ayurveda to society in a contemporary form and to unravel the mystery behind the 5AXX-year-old system of medicine. This included referring to ancient Ayurvedic texts, selecting indigenous herbs, and subjecting the formulations to modern pharmacological. toxicological and safety tests to create new drugs and therapies. Eighty years ago. on a visit to Burma. Mr. Manal saw restless elephants being fed with a root to pacify them. The plant from which this was taken is Rauwolfia serpentina. Fascinated by the plant’s effect on elephants. he had it scientifically evaluated. After extensive research the world’s first antihypertensive drug. was launched in 1934.
Title – Summer Training Project Report On Marketing Strategies Of Himalaya Products In Lucknow City
Author – Pushpendra Singh
College – Central Institute Of Management & Technology, Lucknow
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