A Study On Digital Marketing Services With Return On Web At Return On Web
A Study On Digital Marketing Services With Return On Web At Return On Web
The project work is pursued as a part of MMM (Masters in Marketing Management) Curriculum at “MIT School of Management, Pune”. It is undertaken as an internship at Return on the web, Pune. The project is done under expert supervision and guidance of Mrs. Archana Singh (Lecture in Marketing) and Mr. Ruturaj (VP, Business Analyst at Return on the web). The Project is about the study of online marketing opportunities for different sectors.
At Return on the web, initially, I have imparted process and service knowledge. I was given sufficient time to know about the services and what the company does.
The main aim was to understand online marketing emergence and generating leads. I was provided with the database and had to make cold calls from the data and also ask to make a database of other sectors. Company activity was also one of the major sources for generating business. Initially, my company guide even accompanied me to the client’s place. The main objective was to know the need of the customer and how to fulfill that in the best way through online.
Thus it gave me the opportunity to learn about all the services and with the range of services Return on the web offered it made the task a bit easier as we could fulfill the need of the customer in a better way. My task was divided into 4 phases:
- Services knowledge: This included theoretical knowledge about the field and services which needed to be
- Pitching in real estate and fitness sector: This included the implementation of the knowledge imparted to me and the rest of my marketing Initially I was accompanied by company guide so that I can learn how to deal with the customers and understand their need. This also enhanced our interpersonal skills and confidence level.
- Research part: Research is done for making new sectors database like hotels, spa, and
- Writing: This included content writing for different sector teaser E-mailers
To begin with, as a part of the curriculum a summer internship programme was to be conducted for a period of two months. Given a choice one was allowed to choose the field in which he/she was interested. As my interest and curiosity were in online or digital marketing I choose to work with a startup company named Return on the web. Return on the web is three-year-old Pune based online marketing & web development firm focused on providing you business-centric strategic solutions to the companies. I choose the startup company because with start I can explore myself and why digital marketing? Because it is a booming industry, the growth of digital marketing is tremendous and expected to grow more.
Due to this summer internship, I learned every aspect of digital marketing include (business development process, content writing, social media). The company asks me to do their competitive research and told to found a return on web USP. And the research of our target segments digital habits. With the help of the research, we got a flow of what are the major criteria’s we need to have. One had to identify various sectors in the market that actually have a need for digital marketing services. And then your task is to approach them before your competitors.
Digital marketing startup companies follow a standard process of approaching clients. There are certain steps which cannot be altered or skipped. These are followed in sequences and executed after evaluating the process again and again. In digital marketing, your team should be strong enough to deliver what your client expecting, as under digital marketing everyone work is interconnected and with a team, only one campaign can get ready.
An extensive literature review is done on the concepts and theories related to web advertising. A review of Research papers, articles is undertaken to take note of and acknowledge work that has been done in the field of web advertising as such. The Researcher has collected secondary data from reputed Journals and Magazines, Newspapers, articles, Internet websites, and Archives. The Researcher has visited
Libraries in Pune and out of Pune, to collect literature. The researcher has identified seven research papers along with thirteen articles published in renowned journals on various topics such as Web ad, Web-based ad market, E-commerce impact, trends of online marketing, consumer attitude to Web ad and sales/marketing strategy
It was an amazing experience working virtually and on the field. I came to many new terminologies of digital marketing, corporate world, etc. The project contains the task which has been done by me during my internship as well as what I have learned from it.
Title – A Study On Digital Marketing Services With Return On Web At Return On Web
Author – Shikha Nagar
College – Savitribai Phule Pune University
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