Marketing Strategy For New Toothpaste In India
Our truths are one thing that we cannot afford to lose. Without them, we aren’t able to eat the way we should and our suite isn’t always worth showing. Some people only see a dentist when they have a toothache but we must have a dental visit twice a year unless we are told otherwise by our doctor. In addition to dental visits, we need to take care of our teeth between check-ups. Brushing 3 times a day, as well as flossing, is effective in protecting your pearly whites. Although it can be difficult to brush 3 times a day we should always brush at least twice. Preferably once in the morning when you wake awake, and one night before you go to bed. If we aren’t practising good oral hygiene, we are going to open the door to dental problems that aren’t easy to close.
And the most prominent health checkers for our teeth are our Toothpaste. There are many companies manufacturing toothpaste in India. Some of these are P&G, Hindustan Unilever, and the Lives.
The project report presented on “Marketing strategies of new toothpaste in India is intended to study the existing market of various toothpaste brands & their products and then introduce a new toothpaste with a newer set of Business and marketing strategies. The new toothpaste has been named “Dent -o-White” – a toothpaste for stronger, whiter teeth.
Oral Care Industry:

The Indian healthcare industry is experiencing a quick transformation owing to the increasing demand for quality healthcare. In India, Oral healthcare is an important aspect of the overall health of an individual. Diseases such as Dental caries and oral cancers are major public health issues in India. Water fluoridation, fluoride toothpaste, and a growing awareness of dental hygiene have led to improvements in the dental health of Indians over the past 25 years further leading to greater demand for restorative dental treatment. Indian Oral Infrastructure has shown marked improvement in the past 4-5 years but still needs to be improved further not only in rural areas but in urban areas as well.
Oral Hygiene Benefits:
Daily cleaning of the teeth, germs, and tongue, combined with annual check-ups, has a host of health benefits.
- Good oral hygiene wards off harmful bacteria and microbes that may cause tooth decay, bleeding gums, and oral infections.
- Proper oral hygiene is also important in helping to stay healthy, especially if one has risk factors such as diabetes and heart problems.
- Other than keeping associated diseases at bay, oral hygiene elevates a person’s sense of self-esteem. This is especially true for teenagers and adults who frequently interact with others at work.
Oral Hygiene Facts:
Poor oral hygiene can increase one’s chances of developing heart disease. Professional teeth cleanings will reduce the bacteria that cause inflammation and eventually lead to heart disease.
According to the American Dental Hygienists Association:
- A major cause of tooth loss in children is cavity; while periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
- Eating healthy snacks like celery, carrots or apple helps clear away food loosely trapped in-between teeth.
- The leading oral health problem for infants is baby bottle tooth decay, which can be caused when babies are given a bottle filled with sugary liquids, like milk or juice, when put to bed.
Why Toothpaste?
- This product is being used by masses in the society and is required on daily basis for the consumption is in large volumes.
- Dental caries and tooth decay are the most common problems in oral hygiene. As per the FDI World Dental Federation, India has more dental caries reported per capita as compared to Europe. So the Indian market needs more marketing and awareness about such products.
Permission/License To Manufacture A Product:
- Needs to follow the Indian standards specification laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS).
- It needs to follow the Drugs and Cosmetics Ads and Rules being managed by the Department of Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
Competitive Brands:

Manufacturer | Hindustan Unilever | Colgate Palmolive India Ltd. | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health India | Dabur Group | Dabur Group | Hindustan Unilever |
USP | Complete dental care experts. | Most widely used toothpaste in India | For sensitive teeth only | Protects against all forms of tooth decay | Indian traditional approach to low pricing | For youth and vibrance |
Taglines | You’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush with Pepsodent. | Number 1 recommended by the dentists | Most recommended toothpaste for sensitive teeth. | Complete natural oral care; Complete protection to teeth. | Babool Paisa Vasool | The Closer, the better |
Prices (INR)/100 gm | 63 | 69 | 117.5 | 484.5 | 31 | 65 |

Dent – O – White
Dent – O – White

For Stronger and Whiter teeth!
Toothpaste for extra white teeth
Within two weeks of regular usage!
- Stronger Teeth & Gums
- Whiter Teeth
- 24 Hours Freshness
Product Range:
Dent – o – White Fresh
- For All Groups
Dent – O – White Sugar-Free
- For Diabetic Patients
Dent – O – Sens
- For the Sensitive Teeth
Packaging & Labelling:

- White, Red, and Blue coloured logo are embedded in the box of the toothpaste tube.
- The toothpaste tube will be transparent and will have an indicator on the tube to show how much people paste needs to be taken out of the tube for usage in the morning at night.
- The toothpaste will be in gel form for a fresh feeling and whiter teeth. It will have a stripe of blue-coloured get on the red base.
- The tube will be available in packaging of 75 gm, 100 gm, 150 gm, and 200 gm.
Pricing For Distribution Channels:

Base Price:
- Dent – O – White fresh INR 35/100 gm
- Dent – O – White Sugar-free INR 39/100 gm
- Dent – O – Sens INR 58/100 gm
Channel A:
- Dent – O – White Fresh INR 42/100 gm
- Dent – O – White Sugar-Free INR 46/100 gm
- Dent – O – Sens INR 65/100 gm
Channel B:
- Dent – O – White Fresh INR 46/100 gm
- Dent – O – White Sugar-Free INR 50/100 gm
- Dent – O – Sens INR 69/100 gm
Distribution Management:
Place Utility | Time Utility | Possession Utility |
To | To | To |
Local shops in densely populated areas
| Early morning and evening stock to be maintained up to date. | Various schemes to tackle competition |
To | To | To |
In malls for sparsely populated areas | Stock updates in the daytime regularly
| Competitive prices |
Channels Of Distribution:
Various routes for distribution will be followed: | Direct from the company during house to house campaigns for
early penetration in the market. |
Distributors will also be able to sell the product to the wholesaler who sells in bulk to the retailer. | Direct from the company by putting up stalls in a customer product exhibition to promote the product for awareness purposes in the starting at various public places and shopping malls. |
The company will deliver the product in bulk to a distribution centre, which breaks bulk & further gives it to various local distributors who in turn sell convenient little sizes to the retailers. |
Promotional Techniques For Consumers:

Super Saver pack of 2 or more tubes
A free toothbrush or mouth freshener
Complete bathroom package
Gift coupons and value points for DISCOUNTS
Empty tube recycling for a cleaner environment
Young celebrity endorsement
Free sample for initial promotion
Schemes For Distribution Channel:
Warehousing is a key component of the overall business supply chain. The supply chain consists of the facilities and distribution options for the procurement of materials into components and finished products and then the distribution to customers.
The storage housing would be a centralized system for our product. It would act as a master Storage zone. There would be smaller storage houses as per the regions. These smaller storage houses will directly report to the centralized storage house.
Weekly orders would be dispatched to local retailers and shop owners from the centralized distribution centre. While monthly stock would be updated at the centralized stock centre.
Depending upon the location, quantity availability, mode of transportation would be selected
Grading & Standardization:
- Product to be recognized by Indian Dental Association for quality and safety.
- Also, the procedure to be followed at the manufacturing and packaging unit.
- Product to follow specifications laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
- World Dental Federation recommendation and the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD).
Social Responsibility:
Keep Environment Clean Healthy
- A campaign will run to collect the empty tubes from the consumers and get Rs 1 discount on the next purchase.
- The tubes will be recycled at a recycling plant.
- Every toothpaste box will be made from recycled cardboard paper.
Various Cost Factors:
- Manufacturing
- Packaging
- Transportation
- Storage and Warehouse
- Marketing and Promotion
- Profit Margins
- Production Capacity
Pricing includes
- No. of manufacturing plants
- Units Transported to the retailer
- Units produced at each plant
Pricing = Total Cost / Total Units produced
Manufacturing Plant Discussion:
- The manufacturing process needs approval from ISO.
- The technical term comprises the drug expert for oral care and a person with details on a standard amount of chemicals to be present in the product.
- Workers need rigorous training before getting into the manufacturing process.
- The packaging team decides the design based on the cost and effective acceptability of the product in the market.
Wholesale Dealer Discussion:
- General Stocks are maintained on weekly basis.
- Likes more schemes on cashback rather than gifts or coupons.
- Bulk purchasing gives them a lesser margin.
- Sales only to shops and vendors. Direct sales are very less.
Retailer – Shopkeeper:
- Keeps the stock as per demand in a specific area.
- Have to be ready with customer’s demand else switches to another shopkeeper.
Can convince regular customers on trying a new product but if fails, trust is broken.
Shopkeeper combines schemes with cash to attract customers.
Retailer – Shopping Mall:
Product display is very important here.
If the product is visible, customers tend to take it.
Sales guys generally guide a new customer of the mall. Whereas old customers know the place and product.
Malls can combine their scheme with an existing company’s scheme to make it double schemes on the product which attracts the customers.
Generally, a combination of both Local shop vendors and the wholesale dealer where products come directly from the manufacturing units.
Dentist Views:
- The most important ingredients of a good toothpaste are:
- Fluorides
- Abrasives
- Detergents
- Flavouring
- Thickness
- They all should be in the correct amount, otherwise can harm the teeth.
- Regular brushing and regular checkups should be done.

Based on the above survey, I would like to conclude the following marketing strategies:
- The features of Dent -0 – White will include traditional things like major ingredients and newly approved chemicals for white teeth for a long time.
- The freshness quotient will be round the clock with the inclusion of extra freshness.
- The product range will include bifurcation based on normal and diabetic people. All the age groups will have ‘DoW Fresh’ which will provide them with whiter teeth and freshness. The diabetic patients will be exposed to “DoW Sugar-Free’ Keeping them fit as well.
- For sensitive teeth, the separate product line will work as “Dent-o-Sens” which will take care of sensitive teeth. It will be more medically oriented to cure the teeth.
- The packaging will be attractive and sensible to attain people from each age group.
- The manufacturing plant will be set up in Delhi – NCR and is targeted for the preliminary phase. It will expand to adjacent states later on.
- Since Delhi has a young population, the majority of products will be launched and marketed in this city.
- The majority of the cost factor includes:
- Manufacturing
- Transport
- Marketing
- Overhear
- The prices will be different for various products. The DoW fresh will be competitive with pepsodent, Colgate, and CloseUp. Since the target audience is in the city area and that too a metro city, the prices will be comparable to the competitors.
The DoW Sugar-Free will be competitive with Vicco Sugar-free toothpaste and the target market will be diabetic patients.
- Dent-O- Sens will be having a higher price range due to the higher manufacturing cost. Moreover, the quantity will be less so the cost will escalate.
- For youngsters and kids, a young celebrity will be endorsed to attract users.
- For sensitive teeth products, doctors will be approached and will be given incentives for their endorsement. More clinics and Chemist shops would be approached to display this product.
- Regular Television promotions advertisement and newspaper ads will be given.
- Since the product is focusing on youngsters more, social networking sites like Facebook will be used as an effective promotional tool.
- Free Samples will be disturbed initially to enter the market with lots of schemes on the products.
Permission /Rules and Regulations:
htup://cdsco.nic.in Drugs and cosmetic Act.pdf
P&G Research Report:
http://www.edelcesearch.com/ubt /dbwowbolt;aspx?id•202362reboutrame=consumeGoodiessectorupdate-Apr-12-EDEL.pdf2lgt=656vfdg&type=ynajaxvomJoptoyzJzovta=
Case Studies:
http://www.researchers world.com Jual 3/issue 3/1und 3 issue3_2/paper_1.pdf
http://www.studymode.com lewayoA-study-ofToothpaste-Category-Iu-‘904024. html
Book Reference:
This is to certify that the present project report is the outcome of my efforts and my indebtedness to other works/publications was been duly acknowledged in the relevant places.
It has not been submitted in part or full for any other Diploma de degree of any university.
I thank my school authorities for providing me with the necessary framework to have my education of such high quality. I extend my thanks to my subject teacher and other teachers for helping me out during the making of this project.
I also thank my family and friends for supporting me in every step of this project.
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