To Study On Customer Satisfaction Toward Vodafone Mobile Service
To Study On Customer Satisfaction Toward Vodafone Mobile Service
In any organization, the two important financial statements are the Balance Sheet and Profit &Loss Account of the business. Balance Sheet is a statement of the financial position of an enterprise at a particular point of time. Profit & Loss account shows the net profit or net loss of a company for a specified period of time. When these statements of the last few years of any organization are studied and analyzed, significant conclusions may arrive regarding the changes in the financial position, the important policies followed and trends in profit and loss, etc. Analysis and interpretation of financial statement have now become an important technique of credit appraisal. The investors, financial experts, management executives and the bankers all analyze these statements. Though the basic technique of appraisal remains the same in all the cases the approach and the emphasis in the analysis vary.
A banker interprets the financial statement so as to evaluate the financial soundness and stability, the liquidity position and the profitability or the earning capacity of borrowing concern. Analysis of financial statements is necessary because it helps in depicting the financial position on the basis of past and current records. Analysis of financial statements helps in making future decisions and strategies. Therefore it is very necessary for every organization whether it is a financial or manufacturing, to make a financial statement and to analyze it.
Title – To Study On Customer Satisfaction Toward Vodafone Mobile Service
Author – Mehjabeen Chand Shaikh
College – Barns College Of Art, Science & Commerce
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