A Project Report On “credit Appraisal” Of Credit Proposals
The economic development of any country depends on the extent to which its financial system efficiently and effectively mobilizes and allocates resources. There are a number of banks and financial institutions that perform this function. Financial institutions provide medium- and long-term financial assistance and act as catalytic agents in promoting balanced development of the country. They are engaged in promotion and development of industry, agriculture, and other key sectors. They also provide development services that can help in the accelerated growth of an economy. The industrial growth intern depends upon the success of new projects. The success of the new projects depends largely upon the quality of the project appraisal.
The main objective of the study is to understand the actual procedures and steps involved in project appraisal. The report carriers in depths study of financing appraisal with relevance to project financing.
The whole part of this study discusses what project appraisal is, various steps involved in project appraisal, the procedure adopt by banks / financial institutions in project appraisal.
Traditional moneylenders till 1920-30 performed entire banking in the state of Jammu & Kashmir at exorbitant interest rates. At the same time some banks functioned but at a very limited scale, such as Punjab National Bank, Grindlays Bank and Imperial bank of India. The role of these banks was reduced to the acceptance of deposits, as they could not grant loans and advances to the people of the state owing to the statutory limitations. Under this scenario banks could not ameliorate the financial and social position of people of the State. To overcome this critical situation the then Maharaja of State conceived an idea of setting up of a State Bank in the state. After prolonged exercises and deliberations the assignment for establishment of “The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Limited” was given to the late Sir Sorabji N Pochkhanwala, the then Managing Director of the Central Bank of India. Mr. S. N.Pochkhanwala formulated a scheme on 24.09.1930, suggesting establishment of a Semi State Bank with participation in capital by State and public under the control of State Government. Thus the Bank was formally incorporated on 1 st of October 1938 and commenced business from 4th of July 1939 at its Registered Office, Residency Road, Srinagar, Kashmir.
Title -A Project Report On “credit Appraisal” Of Credit Proposals
College -AMITY UNIVERSITY /strong>
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