Study On Financial Analysis of Bathinda District Co-Operative Milk Producer’s Union Ltd. Punjab
Introduction To Milk Plant Bhatinda
The Bathinda District Co-operative Milk Producer Union is a cooperative society of producers that functions under the “Milk Federation Of Punjab” commonly known as the “Milk-fed” Milk plant, Bathinda is a plant under this federation where the milk from various societies is received and processed to produce several products which are then to be sold the market.
Milk Plant, Bathinda was commissioned in September 1974 with a total capital outlay of 1.6 crores by the Punjab Dairy Development Corporation Limited Subsequently this project was adopted by operation Flood-1 programs of govt. Of India and was designed as Feder Balancing Dairy. Later on 01-03-1980, it was handed over by the state Govt. Simultaneously, the District Cooperation Milk Producer Union Ltd. registered in 1977, was activated.
Before the year 1992-93, the milk procurement was in very bad shape. Milk Plant was running under capacity. The improvement in milk procurement by 35% was achieved in the year 1993-94. Further improvement by 40% was made in this year. About 42000 milk producers’ members are attached to the milk union through Village Level Cooperation Societies. 98% of village-level cooperative societies are running in profit. The average milk procurement per day in 1992-93 was 25450 liters whereas it was 60364 liters per day in the year 1998-99.
MILKFED PUNJAB is serving nationwide consumers through its network offices and strong distribution channels. MILKFED markets a wide variety of products, which includes Milk, Skimmed Milk Powder, Whole Milk Powder, Infant Food Dairy Whitener, Ghee, Butter, cheese, Lassi, Tetra Pack, Verka Vigor and Khoa etc. The union under MILKFED for marketing is given below:-
Bathinda Jalandhar
Hoshiarpur Sangrur
Faridkot Ferozpur
Ropar Ludhiana
Patiala Gurdaspur
Amritsar Chandigarh (MILKFED)
City Supply
During the year 1999-2k on an average 4.07 lac litters of pasteurized packed milk per day was sold to urban consumers, which was 4.04 lac litters per day during the year 1998-99.
History Of Milk Plant Bhatinda
The Bathinda District Coop. Milk Producers’ Union Ltd. came into existence with the twin objectives of providing a remunerative milk market to milk producers in the district at their doorsteps by value addition and supplying quality products to consumers at reasonable rates. This Union was registered under the Cooperative Societies Act in the year 1978. Prior to the existence of Bathinda Union, Milk Plant, Bathinda, which was commissioned in September 1974 with a total outlay of Rs.1.60 crores was owned by Punjab Dairy Development Corporation. But in the year 1980, it was decided by the Punjab Government to cover this Union under Operation Flood – I Programme. Accordingly, the Milk Plant was handed over to the Milk Union on Ist March 1980 to run it on cooperative lines.
The milk Plant has a handling capacity of 1.25 lakh liters per day and a drying capacity of 65,000 liters per day. Besides, Milk Union also owns the six Milk Chilling Centres located at Rampura, Talwandi Sabo, Bhikhi, Sardulgarh, Badal, and Bhagta.
Title – A Project Report On Study Of Financial Analysis Bathinda District Co-Operative Milk Producer’s Union Ltd. Punjab
Author – Ankush Garg
College – Sahibzada Ajit Singh Institute Of It& Research (Mohali), Punjab
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