Bad Effects of Various Festivals on Environment – HSC Project Maharashtra Board
The environment is the natural world which is made by living beings (people, animals, and plants) and land. Therefore it is the surroundings that affect the behavior and development of a living being or a thing. The surroundings may be living factors like plants, animals, and decomposers and non-living things like air, water, light, soil, etc.
Human beings are the product of the environment. They are an essential factor in the background. It is the environment that helps us in our survival, growth, development, reproduction, and health. No creature’s existence is possible without the balance of the natural elements. Thus, there must be a healthy environment for our sound living. The healthier the environment, the happier the living beings, including humans.
However, knowing that the environment should be clean, healthy, and non-polluted, the large-scale celebration of various festivals has degraded the quality of the situation.
The practice of immersion of Ganesh idols after the Ganesh festival in various cities is causing severe water pollution, which leads to the death of tonnes of fish and many aquatic creatures.
The immersion of Durga Statutes during the Durga pooja is also a cause of concern for environmentalists. In Orissa alone, 5,000 Durga pooja idols are made, most of them using harmful paints.
Diwali, one of the famous festivals in India, has the distinction of polluting the environment to the core. Newborns and aged people have a nightmarish experience because of the high levels of sound caused by crackers during Diwali. Noise pollution on Diwali is between 69.7 dB and 88.3 dB, which are higher than the prescribed limit of 50 dB. The decibel levels alarmingly high in metros, and it may reach up to 100 dB.
The government, police, pollution control boards are suggesting many alternative ways to celebrate festivals that do not pollute the environment. Even strict and stringent warnings are also given to the public to refrain from bursting crackers such as atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, bullet bombs, thousand and ten thousand walls. But it all solely depends on the “change of mind.”
The project aims to understand and raise awareness about the adverse effects of various festivals on the environment and help us know how it degrades the environment and also how can we reduce its ill effects on the environment.
- To learn how to reduce pollution in our environment that is caused due to festivals
- To start using eco-friendly products to pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable environment.
- To learn how different festivals have a terrible impact on our environment
- To learn what can be done to reduce pollution in our environment
To learn that festivals can be celebrated without polluting our environment
In this project, we are going to learn about how does stock market works by collecting data through different sources like the Internet, Books, Presentations, Online Seminars, Newspapers, Youtube, and much more.
Primary Data:
Primary data is data gathered for the first time by the researcher. It is the raw form of data and thoroughly studied and hence, a helpful tool for secondary data. Here the method used for the collection of primary data is the Web analytics Technique.
I will be using sources for This project since this is a historical method. Many things are already profoundly explained. I will contribute to their work and use it on my project by giving them proper rights since the Stock market is a trending topic for people, who do it for a living. There are tons of articles on What are the effects of festivals on the environment. What harmful effects of festivals that humans and animals have to face. How to cope with this problem and get them under control?
Air pollution during Diwali
Environmental groups and eco-clubs are fighting a losing battle. They come up with awareness campaigns and slogans like “Diwali is a festival of lights, not crackers,” “celebrate an eco-sensitive Diwali this year,” but nobody seems to take notice. Apart from the noise, crackers release a lot of toxic gases like Sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide, which can lead to many health problems.
Impact of air pollution on health
Air pollution can lead to lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and allergies in adults. It can also cause acute respiratory infections in children. Suspended particulate matter can cause asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders

Ganesh Chaturthi/Durga Pooja:
Durga Puja is one of the auspicious occasions celebrated with great enthusiasm across India. In modern times, festivals are getting commercialized and taking the shape of pomp and show. Different communities set huge gigantic and attractive bright idols to compete with other cities. This all leads to the significant problem of environmental pollution. Icons made from nonbiodegradable material and toxic paints contaminate water, making it unfit for the survival of aquatic life and drinking purposes.
The material used for idols like POP is mainly the compound of gypsum, sulfur, phosphorus, and magnesium. Chemical paints comprise mercury, cadmium, lead, and carbon. Immersion of idols with such poisonous and toxic elements raises the level of acidity, solid matter, organic matter, and heavy metals in water bodies. These materials don’t dissolve readily and lower the oxygen level in the water, adversely affecting aquatic life.
Here are the results of a scientific study done on a body of water in Andhra Pradesh, the Hussainsagar Lake. After examining the water before and after immersion, the scientists found that the concentration of substances like calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, and silicon concentrations increased significantly. Also, it was found that levels of heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury had risen. Metals like lead and mercury are particularly worrisome as they are dangerous to health and can damage the heart, kidneys, liver, circulatory system, and central nervous system.

Besides polluting the water, they reach humans via the food chain, when humans consume fish and other sea-food. If the fish survive, that is! Because hundreds of fish are found dead after the immersions.
Anant Chaturthi the culmination of a ten-day-long Ganesh Festival, one of the most important festivals of western India. It was a day of great joyousness, and celebration…but it has an ugly side. The environmental damage it causes. Thousands of idols made from harmful materials like plaster of Paris and toxic metals, coated with poisonous paints containing mercury, cadmium, lead, and carbon, enter our water bodies. These idols, some of them gigantic, are immersed in lakes, rivers, and the sea. These lead to why the lakes receive more water from sewage than the natural flow.
Just Mumbai’s sea takes in about 1.5 lakh (1 lakh = 100,000) idols every year! Is it any wonder then oxygen levels in the water bodies fall by about 50 percent immediately after the 10-day Ganeshutsav festival?
While we discuss this topic, lets not forget about Diwali. Every year thousands of firecrackers are burst in Diwali, which causes pollution in the environment. Here are a few of the effects of it on humans.
- Sulfur dioxide can damage the lungs and lead to lung disorders like wheezing and shortness of breath.
- Oxides of Nitrogen can cause skin problems, eye irritation, and cause respiratory problems in children.
- Chemicals used in crackers like lead, magnesium, cadmium, nitrate, sodium, and others can have various harmful effects.
Since everyone can see that festival is a religious thing, but at the same time, no one thinks about what harmful effect it has on our environment if we don’t perform it correctly. Bursting firecrackers on Diwali, Submerging Idols on Ganesh Chaturthi, etc. are polluting our air and water. Thus my project covers the points that hurt our environment.
This project discussed two different festivals and their effects on our environment. This could be upsetting because if the water is polluted, then there is a high risk for fish and humans because of toxic elements present in polluted water.this can causes fishes to die and humans to be severely ill. While air pollution can cause respiration problems. Therefore this project talks about the harmful effects of festivals on the environment and thus one should learn not to pollute one’s environment and live a healthy life
After discussing what could be the solutions for reducing pollution during festivals, we have come to know about various remedies which I will be listed below
- Instead of special celebrations, prefer community celebrations. This will ensure the reduced cost of holiday, paper pollution in a limited space, and as compared to the single party, a community celebration will cause less air and noise pollution.
- Even while celebrating commonly, make sure that you limit your celebration for a limited period. Your party can last for a maximum of 3 to 4 hours.
- Instead of selecting traditional chemical cracker, this Diwali goes for eco-friendly Diwali crackers. Eco-friendly cookies are made up of recycled paper, and the sound produced by these crackers is under the decibel limit defined by the Pollution Board. These crackers provide paper fluffers and different color lights instead of music on bursting.
- Instead of electric illumination, go for the traditional lightening of earthen lamps or diyas. This will not only enhance the beauty of your house but will also cut down the enormous electric consumption. Though earthen lamps need oil, the quantity is less, and it gives light for at least 3-4 hours.
- Cut down your shopping list and avoid purchasing unwanted and unnecessary things this Diwali. Excess consumerism is directly related to the consumption of raw material used to manufacture those things. Excessive consumerism increases the undue pressure on natural resources.
- Instead of buying “one-time-use” items go for recyclable things. Secondly, while cleaning your home, instead of disposing of things, it is better to give it to underprivileged people.
Our country India is vast, and every day of a year is a festival, and it can be celebrated here with great joy and happiness.“India a country Where Every day Is A Celebration.”Every festival takes an integral part in the life of different peoples from different communities of India. There are many festivals can be celebrated on various religious occasions. Indian Festivals are celebrated across the world because the Indian people are everywhere in the world.
But this doesn’t mean that we should pollute the environment due to festivals. As you know, mud idols and natural colors were used to make Ganesh idols as per the customs. These polluting idols are the modern invention and nothing to do with religion. If people don’t listen, Then we need the laws. The problem is that politicians don’t want to take strict action as they are afraid of upsetting the public as this is a religious issue. But I think it isn’t.
My profound gratitude to all the faculty members of the Department, for their timely assistance and encouragement throughout my research work.
I duly acknowledge the encouragement and support of the research scholars in the department, and all my colleagues and friends.
It gives me immense pleasure to take the opportunity to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in the completion of my project based on Bad Effects of Various Festivals on Environment
With deep reverence, I offer my deepest gratitude _____, without whom this project could not have been fulfilled.
Lastly, I thank Almighty, my parents, family members, friends, and teachers for their constant encouragement and support, without which this project would not be possible.
Name of School/College
- Wikipedia.com.
- Times of India Newspaper.
- scribd.com – Project report on adverse effects of the environment.

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Therefore, we should first analyse the bad effects of our actions in celebrating the festivals so that we may avoid unnecessary and hazardous practices that adversely affect the environment.
It’s very nice guidance
It’s quite good but we need to fill the project book completely so we some more information. But it’s very much helpful
I am so thankful of you guys
I might have failed this year but hsc project save my life
Thank you very much
Excellent guidance
Superb Thank you very much for doing my project easy 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Very good and helpful to doing my project👌👌😊