The Lake Receives More Water From Sewage Than Natural Water Flow
Due to over increasing population, pollution is also increasing due to this the river and lake water are getting contaminated the water from factories and are directly let out into the water and the sewage from the cites are thrown into the water which made water contaminated. The people in urban areas and also villages wash their clothes & animals in the river, lake & when oil tanks are been transported from water ways the oil leakages from the ship spread in the water which harms the aquatic life. The animals who live in water at this type of contaminated thing and their life & becomes in danger. The people who consume this types of fishes they harm their life in this way sewage let out in Lake River.
In urban India drowning in its own excreta, nearly 80% of the sewage generated in India flow into its rivers, lakes & ponds turning the water source too polluted to use the end result. Groundwater in absent the entire country has nitrate level a result of sewage reaching into India’s groundwater aquifers. These gave were elevated at a meeting of experts on sewage and water issued organized by the centre of science and environment as part of the urban Indian population still depends upon groundwater sources for drinking cooking and bathing which put them at direct risk from the polluted water other experts at the meeting shared defile of how serious the water sewage situation was getting as Indian urbanize they warned that the country faced as a more complicated challenges as the process of urbanization would still leave million in the villages who would depend upon groundwater.
Sewage is a water carried waste in solution that is intended from a community. Also as domestic or municipal waste water. It is characterized by volume or rate of flow physical condition, chemical and toxic onsitutent and its bacteriologic status. It consist mostly of greywater, blackwater, soaps and detergents and toilet paper whether it also contains surface runoff depends on the design of seven system all sewage ends up back in the environment by an of several routes. A basic distinction in its route is whether it undergoes sewage treatment to mitigate its effect on the environment before whether it is combined with surface runoff in the sevens usually discharged into a body of water. Such as a streams. River, lake, bay, or ocean. There was no treatment so the breakdown of the human waste was left to the ecosystem.
The sewage water causes pollution in the farm of eutrophiation. This causes harmful effect on the ambient flora and fauna. Sometimes mask mortally is also caused for estimating the amount of harmful pollutant certain chemical analysis can caused for estimating the amount of harmful pollution certain chemical analysis can be conducted estimating biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, amount of phosphate, nitrated etc. the clean water without any sewage has value of BOD and COD etc. different from that of the water having more pollutants. Based on the readings of the above parameters, the quality of the water could be understood sewage disposal has become one of the major issues that due to rapid and large scale urbanization. The untreated water bodies the tones of sewage and other efficient the lakes in such areas relives more sewage enflow than the natural water runoff the lack of focus on water sewage system has led to a position where not a single city in the country has sewage system that covers the entire population only four cities ,pune Chennai surat and goregoan are connect at least 70% of population through a network of closed drains.
In most cities the sewage simply mixes into the open drain and storm water drain polluting water source. Almost 40% of the total sewage treatment capacity of the country exists in just two cities- Delhi and Mumbai. Class 1 and 2 towns which are expected to grow and absorb most of migration in coming years are facing the worst. Untreated sewage flowing into water bodies has almost doubled from around 12000 million liters per day to 24000 million liters per in class 1 and 2 towns. Then are 302 class cities and 467 class2 town with no sewage treatment facilities of the 21% of the sewage passing through treatment plant is town only 60% really meets the required standards overall the means that just about 12% of sewage generated in class 1 cities and class 2 towns meet the standards said Deepak kantawala as independent consultant told the conference.
We observe that clue to sewage rainy rivers, tanks, lakes, etc are polluted these cause great damage to everything we survive in that water and use that water many rivers and lakes receive more sewage water that its natural water. In India many rivers are their as Ganga etc. the Ganga is the best example of the polluted water. The water of Ganga has been polluted. So large that we cannot use it if we use that water it is harmful to our life & it causes a lot of diseases in the human body. The Ganga is considered as a goddess in India but the people in polluting Ganga more. After a few years, that river will be damaged. As this pollution will be continuing their wall be no water for drinking and the people has to suffer a lot of loss and life will be very difficult.
Due to over increasing pollution, the river is also polluted on a large scale. Sewage is thrown in the river directly. The Ganga is the most populated river in India. Its population rate of Ganga has become very high and so that it is very dangerous for aquatic life. They are not able to live in the river. The animal in Ganga is in danger because the polluted water which goes into their body causes harm to their health many fishes & other aquatic life has been dying because of that & the people who consume this fishes their health also comes in danger. If these type of thing will be going on there will be a danger to live. Therefore, the government of India should take strict action and save river Ganga from polluted. So that we are our future generation will not in danger & aquatic life will be safe from danger and their life will be saved.
As the pollution and sewage problem are becoming very high it should be justly curved, otherwise it will create a lot of problems to the people living on the earth and our future generation. The govt. of India has introduced a plan of cleaning the rivers and make them free from sewage and pollution and there will be only natural and fresh water flowing in the river. The plan of cleaning Ganga river is very important as because the polluting level of river is very increasing and it is high from the level it should be not through anything in the river the factory sewage should not be in the river and the cities waste water should be purified and then flown in the river it will occur more pollution and the river cleaning must be done and so that the river will be purified and our water will be fully purified and environment will be saved.
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