Find Out How Many Firms in India Manufacture Soaps and Tooth Paste
Soap Market in India to 2014 (Personal Hygiene) is a comprehensive resource for soap market data from 2004 to 2014 and market/company shares for 2008-09. This report also provides data on expenditure and consumption as well as key distribution channels and reveals the leading companies in the Indian soap market.
The toothpaste history in India can be traced back from 1975 with 1200 tonnes of toothpaste produced by the toothpaste industry. Before the toothpaste, Oral Hygiene was the domain of local homemade powders and Ayurveda practitioners. With the entry of Colgate in the Indian marketplace, the awareness about Oral care and the importance of oral care. In recent years the industry has shown an impressive growth rate of 18.6% (this growth is calculated in terms of value growth in Rs.).
The growth in the Urban market has been largely by the Gel Segment. Presently, a large chunk of the market is still held by Colgate. The major players in the toothpaste Industry being Colgate Palmolive and Hindustan Lever Limited and several minor players like Balsara hygiene, Dabur, etc.
To find and learn details of different types of Firms which Manufactures Toothpaste and Soaps In India
An objective is the brainchild of any project report. The project report will always Contain certain objectives that need to be accomplished. The following are the objectives that are behind the preparation of this project on “types of Firms which Manufacture Toothpaste and Soaps In India.”
- To learn about the product details of the product of the firm
- To check which different types of products they also manufacture
- To learn about their AGE, Gender targeting category
- To find how long they had been in the business of their respected firm
- To find out about their availability in a different region
- To find out about their market share.
In this project, we are going to learn about how does stock market works by collecting data through different sources like the Internet, Books, Presentations, Online Seminars, Newspapers, Youtube, and much more. So basically, I am using a historical method to complete this project. The historical project can be easily done with enough references without even leaving your house. You can refer to someone else’s work and contribute to it and make it more advance research for others to use.
Primary Data:
Primary data is data gathered for the first time by the researcher. It is the raw form of data and thoroughly studied and hence, a helpful tool for secondary data. Here the method used for the collection of primary data is the Web analytics Technique.
Top Ten Toothpaste Brands In India
Current Market Scenario
The oral care market in India is estimated to generate revenues of up to USD 1.2 billion per annum and record an annual growth rate of 13% in 2014. Within the oral care market segment, the toothpaste market in India alone accounts for USD 0.9 billion and is expected to be growing at a CAGR of 15%. Previously, locally made ayurvedic powders and natural herbs that served the purpose of maintaining hygiene dominated the Indian oral care market. However, as consumer’s awareness about hygiene grew, the market suddenly saw an influx of standardized products with leading players like Colgate- Palmolive India Ltd., Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Dabur India Ltd, Anchor Health and Beauty Care Pvt. Ltd., GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd., capturing the market. Toothpaste Market in India in 2017 presents detailed data on consumption trends in the toothpaste category in India, analyzing consumption volumes and values at product segment levels. The report also studies crucial data on distribution channels along with the latest industry news and mergers and acquisitions in this segment, throwing light on some of the key aspects driving the market.
Also, check – Forms of markets – Economics Project
Opportunities In Current Market
Almost one-third of the Indian population does not have access to any of the modern oral healthcare facilities, making it a lucrative prospect market for the leading players. With the per capita consumption of toothpaste in India at about 146g, it is the lowest in the world. Furthermore, toothpaste industry analysis revealed that dental cavities and other problems are prevalent in 63% of 15-year-olds, while approximately 8% of adults in the age groups of 35-44 suffer from the same problems.
Moreover, a study of the demographics also shows that the Indian population suffers extensively from gum problems, especially periodontal diseases and other tooth sensitivity issues. The data analyzed predicts that the Indian toothpaste market can grow by 90% if the per capita consumption of toothpaste were to match that of China. Growth has already been recorded in sub-segments like mouthwash and toothpaste that addresses sensitivity problems, citing which market experts are speculating growth of the segment as a whole.
Top Ten Soap Brands In India
- Lifebuoy
- Lux
- Santoor
- Dettol
- Godrej No 1
- Dove
The soap market in India increased at a compound annual growth rate of 12% between 2004 and 2009.
The bar soap segment led the soap market in India in 2009, with a share of 99.3%.
The leading player in the soap market in India is Unilever.
Indian Soap Industry At A Glance
The soaring palm oil price in the international market until July 2013 forced the Indian soap industry to increase the price of its commodity across the board. Then when the price of palm oil fell by about 20%, the soap manufacturers in India started offering promotions. This increased sales in 2013. Companies such as HUL, Godrej Consumer, and Wipro Consumer were big gainers from the current round of promotions. Over the past two years, these large companies gained considerable market share from regional firms like Venus Soaps that we’re unable to keep prices low, given the rising palm oil costs.
In the December quarter of 2013, HUL’s Lux and Lifebuoy were India’s leading soaps with a market share of 14.4% each, while Santoor had 8.8% and Dettol 7.8%, according to Nielsen data. Industry experts forecast that palm oil prices will stay near current levels for the next two quarters, which may prompt the Indian Soap industry to look up.
The following figures give a detailed vision to the above texts
Segmenting Factor: Family
Target Audience: The Brand Colgate and it’s extensions are targeted at Indian families taking booth economical and premium stances.
Availability: All over India.
Positioning Stance: on Healthcare through Duality of benefits, talks about “Stops bad breath and fights tooth decay.” This positioning stance has worked well in Indian, probably because of Oral. Now also the company is constantly following the fresh breath route, which proved successful for the company.
Care is not taken in a sensitized manner, and hence, the customer looks for multi-benefits.
Product Range :
- Colgate Dental Care
- Colgate Total
- Colgate Visible White
- Colgate Sensitive
- Colgate sensitive-Pro-Relief
- Colgate Max Fresh
- Colgate Kids ToothPaste
- Colgate Herbal
- Colgate Cibaca Family Protection
- Colgate Active Salt
- Colgate Active Salt Healthy White
- Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection plus Sugar Acid Neutralizer
Segmenting Factor: Family
Target Audience: The Brand RESPONDENT and it’s extensions are targeted at Indian families taking booth economical and premium stances.
Availability: All over India.
Product ranges:-
- Pepsodent Germicheck
- Pepsodent 2 in 1
- Pepsodent Centre fresh
- Pepsodent Germicheck superior power
- Pepsodent Whitening
- Pepsodent Super salt 1 and 2
- Pepsodent Kids
- Pepsodent Gum Care.
As we can all see that many many different firms in India produce different types of toothpaste and Soaps. Since many of these firms have varieties of a brand ranging from different prices, which allows everyone to buy these products at different sizes and prices. Some firms in India have high stock market rates, while some have low. The Colgate toothpaste surpasses all in terms of usage and low prices with the quality product. It provides quality for one’s teeth with their different types of toothpaste products. In terms of Soaps, Dettol surpasses everyone as it provides protection from germs and thus protects one from frequently getting Ill.
This project states that there are many many different types of firms in India for different products like Soaps and Toothpaste so that we don’t have to buy products from out of India. Indian products provide the same quality that the other projects provide.
Brand loyalty might not seem particularly important in the toothpaste industry since toothpaste is considered a basic – need good, and people are going to buy regardless of how healthy the economy is. However, both Colgate and Crest are considered premium brands and are therefore going to be priced higher than the majority of its shelf – spaced competition. What this means for Colgate and Crest is that they need to drive customers to try its product without scaring them away based on price, as well as retain existing customers because these customers, if loyal and attached to the brand, will be more adept at accepting price increases.
One person commented :
“I’m an Indian and have hair that is naturally silky and slightly on the wavier side. I have tried both the shampoos and, personally, did not like the Himalaya Protein shampoo very much. It made my hair very dry and fall. I prefer Dove to Himalaya. I still had little hair fall using Dove, but my hair was manageable and silky. I always use Pantene or Dove but have been using Vatika recently, and it has a good scent and also keeps my hair silky straight.”
In my opinion, I would like to point out that since there are many television advertisements for many kinds of toothpaste and soaps products, the products which benefits are not getting sold due to lack of advertisements. Products like Dabur babool, Dettol have their advertising methods. Thus their products are getting sold, which is a good thing.while some companies that only concentrate on marketing rather than user experience.
My profound gratitude to all the faculty members of the Department, for their timely assistance and encouragement throughout my research work.
I duly acknowledge the encouragement and support of the research scholars in the department, and all my colleagues and friends.
It gives me immense pleasure to take the opportunity to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in the completion of my project based on Bad Effects of Various Festivals on Environment
With deep reverence, I offer my deepest gratitude _____, without whom this project could not have been fulfilled.
Lastly, I thank Almighty, my parents, family members, friends, and teachers for their constant encouragement and support, without which this project would not be possible.
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- google.com
- scribd.com for different projects already made on this
- Stock market sites to check stock values of the firms
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