Marketing Management Project – Fruit Juice
Marketing management is the directing of an organization’s resources to develop and implement the best possible strategy to reach its best-desired consumer segment to maximize sales of a particular product or service.
Product Concept:
Contrary to the production concept this concept assumes consumers value products of a higher quality as opposed to price and availability. Therefore, the focus is more on quality and less on quantity.
Production Concept:
The production concept is used when the demand for a product is higher than its supply. The philosophy has is “supply creates its demand”. Therefore, the focus is on manufacturing more products to make sure it is widely available.
Selling Concept:
Where the production and product concept focus on manufacturing, the selling focuses on the making of an actual sale. The number one focus for the manager is to make money no matter the quality, needs of consumers, supply, or demand. Because of this, the selling concept entails very aggressive marketing.
Marketing Concept:
The marketing concept works on the philosophy that consumers buy products that fulfil their needs. A manager that takes the marketing approach will conduct extensive market research to determine the needs of consumers and how to fulfil them better than its competitors.
Societal Concept:
Marketing managers with this approach are also concerned about the well-being of society and feel a responsibility to tend to the world around them. The societal concept creates a became of social and environmental welfare, customers relationships, and sales.
The product is either a tangible good or an intangible service that seems to meet a specific customer’s need or demand. All products follow a logical product life cycle and marketers need to understand and plan for the various stages and their unique challenges. It is key to understand those problems that the product is attempting to solve.
It covers the actual amount the end-user is expected to pay for a product. How a product is priced will directly affect how it sells. This is linked to what the perceived value of the product is to the customer rather than an objective costing of a product.
The marketing communication strategies and techniques all fall under the promotion heading. There may include advertising, sales promotion, special offers, and public relations. Whatever the channel used, it must be suitable for the product, the price, and the end-user it is being marketed to.
Place or placement has to do with how the product will be provided to the customer. Distribution is a key element of placement. The placement strategy will help access what channel is the most suited to the product.
Juice is a beverage made from the extraction on pressing of the natural liquid contained in fruits and vegetables. It can also refer to a liquid that is flavoured with concentrate or another biological food source, such as meat or seafood, such as clam juice. Juice is commonly consumed as a beverage or as an ingredient or flouring in foods or other beverages, such as smoothies. Juice emerged as a popular beverage choice after the development of pasteurization methods enabled its preservations without using fermentation [which is used in wine production]. The largest fruit juice consumers are New Zealand and Colombia.

Real is a flagship product of Dabur foods launched in 1996.it is India’s no.1 fruit juice brand voted as a super brand. The consumers voted it as the most trusted fruit juice brand for four years. Real was also awarded the Reader’s digest trusted brand gold award in 2009, in the food and beverage category. Mr Amit the CEO took the name Real because he wanted his customers to know that their juice was natural.
USP: fruit-flavoured, health drink
TAGLINE: My real fruit power

It is the largest selling mango-flavoured drink in India. It is the flagship product and the most successful drink offered by Parle agro pub ltd. Frooti was launched in 1985 in Tetra pack packages. It is now available in pet bottles and rectangular-shaped packs. Frooti is currently endorsed by Shahrukh Khan in India. Frooti is exported to the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Maldives, Australia, Thailand, and many more countries
USP: the true taste of mangoes
TAGLINES: mango is fruity, fresh, and juicy
- Tropicana:

Tropicana originated in the United States of America. It was founded in 1947 by Anthony T> Rossi in Bradenton, Florida. The company went [public in 1969 and is listed on the New York stock exchange. It was the fruit company to sell bottled orange juice ourselves in 1985. In 1998 Tropicana was acquired by PepsiCo to make it a leading producer of branded fruit juice.
USP: High-quality juice beverage and nectar
TAGLINES: let’s make breakfast 100%
PRICE: 105
- Maaza:

It was introduced in the 1970s, Maaza has today become to symbolize the very split of mangoes. Universally loved for its taste, colour and thickness, and wholesome properties. It is a coca-cola fruit drink brand. Typically, coca-cola has launched Maaza in the orange and pineapple variants, but these variants were subsequently dropped. Coca-cola has recently relaunched these variants in the Indian market.
USP: Mango floured drink
TAGLINES: maaza Lao aam ki pyaas bujo.
- Minute Maid:

The minute maid was launched in India in 2007, with the introduction in India of pulpy orange. It is a part of the coca-cola company. Since its launch, to date minute maid pulpy orange has consistently been the leading orange juice drink in the Indian market. Over the years minute maid has expanded its portfolio with service of new product launches-minute maid nimbu fresh, mixed fruit, and mango.
USP: Feel the orange the pulp
TAGLINE: Real fruit extract
The consumer preference in India is shifting towards health, natural food products, and the demand for non-carbonated drinks is accelerating. People are turning more health-conscious; therefore the fruit juice segment has become one of the fastest and most popular and most rapidly growing businesses of the time.
In the face of increasing competitors, companies are redesigning the packages that they offer their products. At the same time, safety, long shelf life, convenience, and economic viability are also important considerations.
The name of my product is fruit bonanza. This reflects the goodness of so many fruits in the juice. This gives the idea of the fruit juice being fresh, appetizing, and delicious. I chose this name because bonanza means a large amount of something desirable, and my product contains a large number of fruits.
- Mix fruit bonanza
- Crispy apple bonanza
- Sweety mango bonanza
- Tangy orange bonanza
- Nourishing grape bonanza
A logo is a combination of text and visual imagery that serves two purposes. It tells people the name of the company and it creates a visual symbol that represents your business. Some logos have powerful symbolic associations connected to people’s memory.
A logo is important because:
- Reveals your identity
- Distinguishes you from the competitors
- Facilitates brand loyalty
- Can be everywhere
- Invites new customers to get to know you
The display of information about a product on its container, packaging, or the product itself is known as labelling. For several types of consumers and industrial products, the type and content of information that must be imparted by a label are governed by the relevant safety and shipping laws.
Six qualities of a label design:
- The right material
- Colour that pops
- Great graphics
- Supershape
- Fabulous finish
- Readable, eye-catching fonts
With so many businesses offering the same type of product and services, you can only win over your competitors if your offer is available for the particular time and there is not- or if your product or service offers something that theirs does not. This is what we call a unique selling proposition or USP. Essentially, a USP is a summary of features that make your business unique and valuable to your target market. It tells your target customers that your company offers more value compared to other brands in the market.
OUR USP: “Just Fruit, No Added Flavor, No Colors”
- It is manufactured with original fruits that are grown on company-owned farms.
- The juice comes in a very adjustable tetra pack to fit into kids’ Tiffin boxes.
- It is a great source of vitamin C.
- It serves as a source of folic acid which helps in reducing tiredness and fatigue.
- It contains fruit juice and no added flab flavours.
- It is rich in antioxidants.

A SWOT analysis is an analysis framework used to evaluate a company’s competitor’s position. It is a tool that identifies the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business.
- Strength: they describe what an organization excels at a separate it from the competitors.
- Weakness: it stops an organization from performing at its optimum level.
- Opportunities: refers to favourable external factors that an organization can use to give it a competitive advantage.
- Threat: it refers to factors that have the potential to harm an organization.

Food process order [FPO]:
FPO mark is a certification mark mandatory on all processed fruit products sold in India such as packaged fruit beverages, fruit juice, crushes and squashes, pickles, dehydrated fruit product, etc.
Its clearance is required for not copying other brands’ products.
Permanent account no. [PAN]:
The firm must have a permanent account number. For this purpose, an application needs to be filled with the income tax department.
The process involved creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumer’s mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. It aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.
- Branding promotes recognition.
- A brand sets us apart from the competitors.
- Branding sets an expectation.
- A strong brand adds value.
Grading is a process of sorting individual units of a product into well-defined classes or grades of quality. The goods are graded or sorted out into different lots by the specified standards. The established standards lay down the grade of the product. In the case of manufactured goods, goods can be of uniform quality but agricultural products like fruits and vegetables, etc, vary in quality; therefore, classes or grades of quality are set and different units of the products are sorted into the established standard grades. Standardization means that good is of specified and uniform quality.

Packaging refers to the process of designing packages such as containers, wrappers, etc. There are levels of packaging.
- Primary packaging: it refers to the product’s immediate package. In certain cases, such packets are retained until the consumers are ready to use the product.
- Secondary packaging: it is the additional packaging given to a product to protect it.
- Transportation packaging: refers to packages essential for storing, identifying, or transporting.
The distribution channel is a chain of business or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the end consumer. It can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even the internet itself. Channels are broken into direct and individual forms, with a “direct” channel allowing the consumers to buy the products from the manufacturer, and an “indirect” channel allowing the customers to buy the goods from a wholesaler or retailer.
Transportation means the physical movement of goods from one place of production to the place where they are required. An insulated truck will be used as a means of transportation. An insulation truck is required because juice requires a cool place otherwise it can be spoiled.
As fruit juice has a shorter shelf life it needs to be preserved in refrigerated warehouses. It should be protected from sunlight and heat. Warehousing will play a very important role in pressing juices.
To Wholesaler:
1-litre pack | ₨ 80 |
200ml pack | ₨18 |
To Retailer:
1-litre pack | ₨ 85 |
200ml pack | ₨18 |
To Customers:
1-litre pack | ₨ 95 |
200ml pack | ₨ 20 |
Promotion refers to the entire set of activities, which communicate THE Product, brand, or service to the users. The idea is to make people aware, attract and induce them to buy the product, in preference over others.
- Branding at the prime location in the form of hoarding.
- Events at schools and colleges will be organized to spread awareness about the product.
- Sponsoring a charity event.
- Endorsing a celebrity.
- We’ll use organic food to manufacture our products for the benefit of society.
- An adequate percentage of our profit will be devoted to physically disabled people.
- Every year some of the juice packages will be distributed in orphanages for free.
- The packaging will be made of recycled cardboard.
From this marketing research, I have understood the importance of the marketing mix. I have learned to take the decisions regarding the 4P’s of marketing the following things too:
- Gathering information and analyzing the market.
- How to design a product.
- Branding, labelling, and packaging of a product.
- Pricing of product.
- Marketing and promotion of a product etc.
I am very thankful for my business study teacher, who helped me in analyzing the TOPIC- Marketing Management – Fruit Juice. It made my concept clear, enhanced my knowledge, and helps me realize the importance of the same.
I am also thankful to CBSE for giving me an opportunity of making this project and giving suitable guidelines to prepare the project.
This is to certify that the present project report is the outcome of my efforts and my indebtedness to other works/publications has been duly acknowledged at the relevant place. It had not been submitted in part or full for any other diploma or degree of any university.
Teacher’s Signature
Examiner’s Signature
- My book
- Friends and family
- Teachers
- Internet
- http://google.co.in/search?q=marketing+management+class+12&oq=MARKET=chrome,1.69i57j75k92i.9723j1j&sorce=chrome=UTF
- http://google.co.in/search?q=promotion=of=product&oq=promotion &aqs=chrome

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