Visit A Slum And Find Out Their Basic Problems
A slum is a remarkably inhabited urban residential sector consisting mostly of carefully packed, decrepit housing units in an exceedingly situation of deteriorated or incomplete infrastructure, colonized primarily by impoverished persons. While slums differ in size and different characteristics, most lack reliable sanitation services, the offer of unpolluted water, reliable electricity, law enforcement, and various essential functions. The lake receives more water from sewage other than natural bodies because of slums wastes.
Today, the present population growth is outpacing the speed at which cities will answer the necessity for housing. This is often the very condition underneath which slums thrive and grow out of management.
Dharavi is vicinity in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is regarded as one of the biggest slums in Asia. Dharavi has a neighborhood of merely over 2.1 sq. Kilometers (0.81 sq mi; 520 acres) and a population of concerning 700,000. With a population density of over 277,136/km2 (717,780/sq mi), Dharavi is one of the densest areas within the world.
The objective of this project is to determine the fundamental problems of any slum. We have chosen the slum of city Mumbai: DHARAVI.
- To gather information about slum living.
- To be aware of the livelihood of the slum people
- To understand the necessities of slum people.
- To recognize fundamental problems that slums face in day to day life.
- To spread awareness about the fundamental slum problems.
The technique used to make this project is a reporting method. A report is built on the issues faced by the slum of Mumbai. To make this report, we have used the internet to do our research. By using the internet, we came across a great deal of data that helped us make the best report on the slums. The internet provided us with real-life experiences of people who lived in slums at a point. The story is created based on various interviews, videos on the reality of slums, a survey made by some people on slums, etc. The report covers the following problems:
- Sanitation problem
- Epidemics
- Unemployment
- Poor housing conditions
- Poverty
- Safety and violence
- Health and well being
- Overcrowded homes
The Dharavi slums face tons of issues like noise, water, and air pollution; it additionally has no waste or drainage systems.
- Sanitation problem
Dharavi has severe issues with public health. Also, with the clogged toilets they need, they’re very filthy and weakened to the point of being unsafe. Mahim Creek is a natural watercourse that’s wide utilized by residents for urination and defecation, inflicting the unfold of contagious diseases. The open sewers within the town drain to the creek inflicting a spike in water pollutants, unsanitary conditions, and foul odors. Because of the air pollutants, diseases like lung cancer, TB, and respiratory disease are common among residents. There are government proposals concerning improving Dharavi’s sanitation problems. The residents have a neighborhood where they wash their garments in water that individuals defecate in. This spreads the quantity of illness as doctors need to cope with over 4,000 cases of infectious disease daily. there’s also an average of one bathroom per 500 individuals
- Epidemics
Dharavi has toughened a long history of epidemics and natural disasters, generally with a vital loss of lives. The primary plague to devastate Dharavi, alongside different settlements of Mumbai, happened in 1896, once nearly 1/2 the population perished. A series of diseases and various epidemics continued to have an effect on Dharavi, and Mumbai generally, for the subsequent 25 years, with high rates of mortality. Dysentery epidemics are frequent throughout the years and explained by the high population density of Dharavi. Various outbreaks reported embodying infectious disease, cholera, leprosy, meiosis, and poliomyelitis, through recent years. As an example, in 1986, youngster’s infectious disease epidemic was reported, wherever most patients were residents of Dharavi. Typical patients to arrive in hospitals were in late and necessary care conditions, and therefore the mortality rates were abnormally high. In recent years, cases of drug-resistant T.B. are reported in Dharavi.
- Unemployment

Due to a lack of skills and education also as competitive job markets. Several slum dwellers face high rates of unemployment. The limit of job opportunities causes several of them to use themselves within the informal economy, within the slum, or in developed urban areas close to the slum. This can typically be the licit informal economy or illicit informal economy while not operating a contract or any social insurance. A number of them are seeking jobs at an equivalent time, and a few of these can eventually realize jobs in formal economies once gaining some professional skills in informal sectors.
Examples of licit informal economy embody street peddling, home enterprises, product assembly, and packaging, creating garlands and embroideries, domestic work, shoe sharpening or repair, driving manual rickshaws, construction employees, or manually driven provision, and handicrafts production. In some slums, individuals sort and recycle trash of various types (from house garbage to electronics) for a living – merchandising either the odd usable merchandise or denudation broken product for components or raw materials.
Examples of illicit informal economy embrace banned substance and weapons trafficking, drug or moonshine/change production, vice crime, and gambling – all sources of risks to the individual, families, and society.
- Poor housing conditions
Poor infrastructure forces the poor to adapt to terms on the far side his or her management. Low-income families that can’t afford transportation, or those that merely lack any cheap public transport, typically end up in squat settlements within walking distance or close enough to the place of their employment. Poor quality, unpaved streets encourage slums; the tenth increase in made-up all-season roads reduces slum incidence rate by regarding 0.35%. Cheap conveyance and economic infrastructure empower sick individuals to maneuver and think about housing choices apart from their current slump.
- Poverty
Urban poorness encourages the formation and demand for slum with a fast shift from rural to urban life; poorness migrates to urban areas. The urban poor arrives with hope and exceptionally very little of anything. He or she usually has no access to shelter, essential municipal services, and social amenities. Slums are typically the sole choice for the urban poor
- Safety and violence
Some suggest that crime is one of the most concerns in slums. Empirical information suggests crime rates are higher in some slums than in non-slums, with slum homicides alone reducing the life expectancy of a resident in a Dharavi slum by seven years than for a resident in close non-slum.
In some cases, officers have sent within the military to regulate slum criminal violence involved drugs and weapons. Rape is another severe issue associated with crime in slums. In slums, as an example, one-fourth of all young women are raped every year. Instead, crime is one of the symptoms of slum dwelling; therefore, slums incorporate more victims than criminals.
Consequently, slums altogether don’t have consistently high crime rates; slums have the worst crime rates in sectors maintaining the influence of illicit economy – like drug traffic, brewing, vice crime, and gambling –. Usually, in such circumstances, multiple gangs fight for management over revenue. Often, police can’t scale back crime because, due to ineffective urban planning and governance, slums set inefficient crime interference system. Such issues aren’t primarily because of community indifference. Leads and knowledge intelligence from slums are rare, streets are slender, and possible death traps to patrol, and lots of within the slum community have an inherent distrust of authorities from worry starting from eviction to assortment on unpaid utility bills to general law and order. Women in slums are at more significant risk of physical and sexual violence. Slums are usually non-secured areas, and ladies typically risk sexual abuse once they walk alone in slums late in the dead of night
- Health and well being
Because unplanned settlements are generally not connected to essential services like clean water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities, residents are at high risk of acquiring water-borne and metabolism diseases.
High population density, lack of correct bathrooms, and shut proximity of homes permit diseases to unfold quickly. This creates a real risk for significant populations UN agency are typically unable to access adequate health facilities to induce treatment in time.
- Overcrowded homes

Overcrowding is another characteristic of slums. Several dwellings are single space units, with high occupancy rates. Multiple families also cohabit every home. Five and more persons might share a one-room flat; space is employed for cookery, sleeping, and living. Overcrowding is additionally seen close to sources of drinkable, cleaning, and sanitation where one bathroom could serve dozens of families.
However, the density and neighborhood effects of slum populations may provide a chance to focus on health interventions. There are also lots of adverse effects on the environment because of festivals.
The conditions in slums are unacceptable. The settlements are inbuilt tiny, engorged areas, close to airports, railway lines and industries, rivers and different water bodies, and markets. This is often not solely insanitary; however, it also creates complications throughout monsoon once there’s flooding throughout significant rains. There is no regular provider of water through pipes. Used and dirty water isn’t properly disposed of through coated pipes but is roughly directed far away from the Settlements. Since there’s no correct sewerage or waste disposal system, garbage is accumulated close to the slums or thrown into the water bodies just in case the slums are close to a water body. There aren’t any correct sanitation facilities, and people tend to defecate publicly. There’s no regulated provider of electricity in slums, creating living conditions deplorable. Finally, the quality of living is inferior. The existence of such conditions makes it easier for individuals living here to contract diseases and unfolds infectious diseases because many people sleep in shut quarters.
After analyzing the data, the conclusion of it is drawn that slums’ fundamental problems are severe. The basic need of a person is not met. And every year there’s a significant increase in the slums. The government should make significant decisions about the slum and poverty of the country. They should provide tenements with the very least of a hygienic habitat to survive in. The visit to the slums of Mumbai made me realize she is to how lucky we are to have a decent living. We should take measures to eradicate the slums by helping the government make some proper living conditions for the slum people.
The primary issue, which is the heart of the creation of slums, is POVERTY. The visit to slums gave an insight into the worst living conditions ever witnessed. And also gave us an insight into the level of poverty that is still there in the country.
Lastly, the conclusion of this visit and this report has made us realize the darker side of the world and its horrible problems. The best way to conclude this project is actually to start working towards improving the conditions of the slums.
The discussion about this project with teachers, friends, peers, and family was severe.
The discussion about this yielded lots of different solutions and suggestions. The outcome of these discussions with various members was the same. The majority of reviews surrounded the points of unhygienic living conditions, poverty, and crime. The debate on a topic like a slum is earnest and heart-wrenching at the same time.
There were a lot of ideas made, opinions given, and solutions.
A few of them are mentioned below:
- The government ought to think about providing a legitimate answer to the poor. Most of the days, it’s seen that the rehabilitation takes place at a location that is much far from the core areas, and employability is zero.
- Easy finance and disposition choices at cheap interest rates for upgrading, building an extension of the present shelter should be created accessible.
- New strategies for making land provide should be tried. Liberating up the unused land lying with government establishments are used to produce cheap homes.
- If the prevailing homes are being upgraded, municipal authorities ought to upgrade the provisions from time to time
My profound gratitude to all the faculty members of the Department, for their timely assistance and encouragement throughout my research work.
I duly acknowledge the encouragement and support from the research scholars in the department, and all my colleagues and friends.
It gives me immense pleasure to take the opportunity to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in the completion of my project based on Visit A Slum And Find Out Their Basic Problems
With deep reverence, I offer my deepest gratitude _____, without whom this project could not have been fulfilled.
Lastly, I thank Almighty, my parents, family members, friends, and teachers for their constant encouragement and support, without which this project would not be possible.
Name of School/College
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharavi
- https://www.habitatforhumanity.org.uk/what-we-do/slum-rehabilitation/what-is-a-slum/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slum
- http://theriskyshift.com/2012/07/mumbais-largest-slum-more-than-meets-eye/
- https://www.proptiger.com/guide/post/10-step-strategy-to-eradicate-slums
- https://www.gktoday.in/gk/article-on-problem-of-slums-in-india/
- https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-basic-problems-of-slums-in-India-and-the-solution-on-them
- https://dharavislumindia.weebly.com/dharavi-problems.html
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